Prof. Dr. Timo Goeschl
Fellow-Class 2008-09
Fellow-Class 2012-13
Fields of Interest:
Environmental and Resource Economics
Scientific distinctions, awards, memberships:
Würdigungspreis des Bundesministers für Wissenschaft, Republik Österreich (1995).
Selected Publications:
- Bagnoli, P., Goeschl, T. Kovacz, E., 2008: People and Biodiversity Policies. Paris.
- Goeschl, T., Perino, G., 2007. Innovation Without Magic Bullets: Stock Pollution and R&D Sequences. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(2), 146-161.
- Goeschl, T., Igliori, D., 2006: Property Rights for Biodiversity Conservation and Development: An Analysis of Extractive Reserves in the Brazilian Amazon. Development and Change 37(2), 427-451.
- Goeschl, T., 2005: Non-Binding Linked-Issues Referenda: Analysis and an Application. Public Choice 124 (3-4), September 2005, 249-266.
- Goeschl, T., Gatti, R. Groom, B., Swanson, T., 2005: Incentivizing Ecological Destruction: The Joint International Regulation of the Conservation and Use of Biodiversity, Indiana Law Review 38(3), 619-635.
- Goeschl, T., Igliori, D., 2004: Reconciling Conservation and Development: A Dynamic Hotelling Model of Extractive Reserves. Land Economics 80(3), 340-54.
- Goeschl, T., Swanson, T., 2003: Plagues, Pests, and Patents. Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 1(2-3), 561-575.
- Goeschl, T., Swanson, T., 2003: The Development Impact of Genetic Use Restriction: A Forecast based on the Hybrid Crop Experience. Environment and Development Economics 8, 149-165.
- Goeschl, T., Swanson, T., 2002:The Social Value of Biodiversity for R&D. Environmental and Resource Economics 22(4), 477-504
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