
© Forschungsstelle "Keilschrifttexte aus Assur" (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Degree: | Master of Arts |
Application required: | access-restricted |
Course commences: | winter semester only |
Standard course duration: | 4 semesters |
Format options: | full-time only |
Language requirements: | none |
Language of instruction: | German |
Course outline
The M.A. course in Assyriology is devoted to the study of the high cultures of the ancient Near East. Assyriology investigates the languages/scripts, history, religion, literature, economy, society, science and law of the ancient Orient. Alongside material relics, the main sources are cuneiform documents.
Course structure
The M.A. in Assyriology can be taken as a main (major) subject (building on the B.A. course) or as a subsidiary (minor) subject. In the latter case there are two options, one with and one without prior knowledge of Assyriology. As a main subject, the M.A. course ends after 4 semesters with the M.A. thesis and the examination. In the course of the programme, students will deepen the linguistic and scriptural knowledge of Akkadian and Sumerian previously acquired in the B.A. course. Other classes explore important text genres and examine historical and culture-historical aspects of the history, religion, literature, economy and society of the ancient Orient.
Subsidiary subject
The M.A. course requires 20 credit points to be acquired in a subsidiary (minor) subject.
Here you will find a list of all the subsidiary subjects on offer.
Assyriology can also be studied as a subsidiary subject accounting for 20 credit points.
Main research interests
The scope of Assyriology in Heidelberg is broad. The languages and civilisations figuring throughout the 3,000-year history of ancient Mesopotamia can be studied in their entirety. The Department has two chairs, one focusing on Sumer, the other on Akkad. In Heidelberg the related subject Near Eastern Archaeology is also taught. Main research interests focus on literature, religion, divination, medicine and ritual studies. The University boasts an extensive collection of original cuneiform texts dating from the 4th to the later stages of the 1st millennium BC.
You can find more information on the Assyriology course here.
Formal requirements
Access to the course is restricted. The current Admission Regulations are available here.
Prospective students from Germany
International prospective students
Prospective students from other countries must apply in writing, so that their previous academic record can be verified. The deadline for international applicants is 15 June. Applications must be addressed directly to the International Relations Office. Please use the M.A. application form here and enclose the necessary documents.
Further information
Current information on procedure
Study and examination regulations
Examination regulations M.A. Assyriology (25 July 2007)
Examination regulations M.A. Assyriology (25 July 2007, last amended 06 July 2016)
Module Handbook
Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.
Examinations board
Issues arising in connection with examinations, credit transfer and academic credential recognition are dealt with by the relevant examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) indicated below.
Tuition fees at Heidelberg University are payable at the beginning of each semester.
Academic advisor
Dr. Betina Faist
Wednesdays 3-4 pm
Hauptstraße 126, Office 107
phone: +49 (0)6221 543510
Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near East
Hauptstraße 126
D-69117 Heidelberg
Secretaries’ office:
phone: +49 (0)6221 542965
fax: +49 (0)6221 543619