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Christianity and Culture

Degree Bachelor of Arts
Application not required
Course commences     winter semester / summer semester
Standard course duration 6 semesters
Focus options 50%; 25%
Language requirements

50% focus: dependent on study interest: Old Testament (certified knowledge of hebrew), New Testament (certified knowledge of ancient Greek), Church History (certified knowledge of ancient Greek or Latin), Religious Studies (certified knowledge of Latin); other study interests: certified knowledge of one of the following: Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Latin

25% focus: study interest: Old Testament (certified knowledge of Hebrew), New Testament (certified knowledge of ancient Greek), Church History (certified knowledge of ancient Greek or Latin), Church History (certified knowledge of ancient Greek or Latin); other study interests without language requirement

Language of instruction German (some classes in the elective sector may be held in English or French)
Format options full-time / part-time

Faculty of Theology


Course outline

The B.A. course Christianity and Culture revolves around the genesis and the present-day form of Christianity as a cultural phenomenon. This primary concern is pursued in the disciplines Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology and Religious Studies/Intercultural Theology. The course provides an introduction to these disciplines and the methodologies they employ and imparts to its students foundational and in-depth knowledge of Christianity in its historical development, its teaching, its ethical dimension and its position/status in the intercultural context described from a Religious Studies viewpoint. The B.A. course takes a cultural studies approach to these issues and is designed to provide students with initial professional qualifications and the intellectual equipment to work out problem-solving solutions of their own on the basis of the foundational knowledge and the methodological and practical skills required for the transition from university to professional practice.

Successful students of the Bachelor course on Christianity and Culture are awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree (hereinafter B.A.) qualifying them for access to the relevant professions. The closing B.A. examination tests whether students have appropriated for themselves the essentials of the subject Christianity and Culture and acquired the methodological skills required for an in-depth engagement with Christianity.


Course structure

The standard duration of the B.A. course in Christianity Culture is six semesters, including the final examination. Students without the linguistic proficiency required may need an extra semester for each of the languages they need to catch up on. The subject can be studied as a 50% part of a joint course alongside another joint subject also accounting for 50% of the workload. It can also be studied as a subsidiary subject (25%) alongside a main (major) subject (75%). As their second joint subject students can select any subject with interdisciplinary links to Christianity and Culture.

The course begins with an introductory stage (1st – 2nd semester) in which language proficiency can be caught up on and foundational knowledge of Bible studies acquired. This is followed by study of the main subject and the subsidiary subjects. Alongside subject-specific topics, students also acquire in the course of the programme cross-disciplinary qualifications for their professional career (“Cross-Disciplinary Skills”).

For students taking Christianity and Culture as their main subject, the course ends with a B.A. thesis written in the sixth semester.

Formal requirements

Application and admission


Admission to the course is not restricted. Click here for information on enrolment.

For more information, consult the website of the Faculty of Theology.

International applicants

There are special regulations for international applicants. For more information, apply to the International Relations Office of Heidelberg University (Seminarstraße 2).

Possible subject combinations are listed in the Catalogue of Subjects.

Study and examination regulations

Examination regulations (24 February 2010, last updated: 26 March 2015)
Examination regulations (24 February 2010, last updated: 07 February 2013)
Examination regulations (14 June 2007)

Module Handbook

Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.

Examinations board

Issues arising in connection with examinations, credit transfer and academic credential recognition are dealt with by the relevant examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) indicated below.


Tuition fees at Heidelberg University are payable at the beginning of each semester.

M.A. course

Heidelberg University offers a consecutive M.A. course on Christianity and Culture.

Academic advisor

Dr. Dirk Schwiderski
Kisselgasse 1, Office 123
Office hours during the semester: Mondays and Tuesdays 11am - 11:30am
phone: +49 (0)6221 54 3394 (Mo. and Tu. 11am - 11:30am)


Dean of the Faculty of Theology
Hauptstr. 231
D-69117 Heidelberg

Franziska Röthig
phone: +49 (0)6221 543334
fax: +49 (0)6221 543372

Student representation

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Latest Revision: 2018-07-18
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