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German-French Master’s Degree in History with optional doctoral programme

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 Dt Frz Master

Degree: Master of Arts
Application required: access-restricted
Course commences: winter semester only
Standard course duration: 4 semesters (2 in Heidelberg, 2 in Paris)
Format options: full-time only
Language requirements: French, German (on application);
English or other modern foreign languale (at end of course);
further languale requirements depending on the focus (at end of course)
Languages of instruction: German, French
Other features: postgraduate / consecutive

Department of History, Heidelberg University – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris

Faculty of Philosophy

You can find the programme own internet site here:


Course outline


Aims of the course

The German-French Master’s Degree in History is a research-oriented programme that gives students an opportunity to study at two of the most renowned research institutions in France and Germany. The course

  • is geared to research leading to a career as research historian and enables students at graduate level to prepare the ground for a potential doctorate in an international framework
  • builds on an interdisciplinary understanding of historical studies
  • aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the academic traditions operative in France and Germany
  • and combines for this purpose the characteristic teaching traditions of the two nations in a joint M.A. course.

In this way, Heidelberg University’s Department of History and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)) support student exchange and encourage the mobility of students and researchers within Europe.

Course structure

The German-French Master’s Degree course in History offers its students alternatives in organising their studies. Either they spend the first year (M1) in Paris and the second (M2) in Heidelberg, or they split the course the other way round. If they choose the first option, they will normally spend M1 at the partner institution and M2 at their “home” university (i.e. the one they applied to for admission to the course).

Studies are organized on a “cross-flow” basis (“flux croisés”) that give students very extensive freedom of choice. The cohesion of the group is ensured by making it obligatory for all students at the same location to participate (a) in Franco-German M.A. colloquia and (b) in joint workshops taking place once a term alternately in Paris and Heidelberg. These workshops engage with academic traditions in France and Germany and their comparative analysis.

These options mean that the two curricula are not absolutely identical as they reflect the offerings available in a given study year in the respective country and institution. The “Franco-German M.A. Colloquium” is a special class designed for this course and offered both in Heidelberg and at the EHESS.

Differing module-design principles at the EHESS and in Heidelberg make the tabular version of the two options appear slightly incommensurate. But the individual teaching units are similar in approach and equivalent achievements are awarded the same number of credit points.

Click here for an overview of option M1 at EHESS Paris / M2 at the Department of History in Heidelberg and vice versa (M1 in Heidelberg / M2 in Paris). As will be readily discernible from the curricula, the wide range of individually selectable classes gives German-French Master students the freedom to define their study emphases on the basis of the extensive offerings provided by EHESS and Heidelberg’s Department of History.


Financial support for students from the DFH/UFA

The German-French Master’s Degree course in History is financially supported by the Franco-German University (DFH/UFA). Once admitted, students are eligible to receive mobility assistance to the tune of approx. EUR 270 per month to defray the costs of attending the partner institution. In addition the DFH/UFA promotes participation in language courses in the partner language during the time abroad.

The number of students supported by the DFH/UFA is limited. Please note that in order to be eligible for financial support you must submit your application for the German-French Master’s Degree course before 15 July (for the upcoming winter semester) and enrol online with the DFH/UFA before 30 September. Notification of the DFH is required before embarking on the second year of the course.

First reports by students

Formal requirements


Access to the course is restricted. The current Admission Regulations are available here

Prospective students from Germany

Prospective students of German nationality can enrol at the Central University Administration building by the beginning of the lecture period. To matriculate, they are required to show a written statement of admission issued by the representative of the Master’s programme they wish to attend, confirming that the requirements set out in the Admission Regulations have been met. To acquire this statement of admission, please apply in writing or via e-mail to

Prof. Dr. Sven Externbrink
Department of History - ZEGK
Grabengasse 3-5, Office 229
D-69117 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221-54-2269

The following documents (copies) must be enclosed with the application:

letter of application and statement of motivation

curriculum vitae

general higher education entrance qualification or equivalent

proof of outstanding proficiency in German and French (school-leaving certificate, additional examinations, other evidence)

(for a focus on ancient, medieval or East European history): evidence of proficiency in the additional languages required

B.A. certificate (if already issued) or transcript of records, etc.; B.A. certificates may have to be submitted upon receipt of same

declaration (undertaking) that the applicant (a) has not forfeited the entitlement to take the final exams in a history course or other course with near-identical content at a German or non-German university and (b) has not registered for the examination procedure in such a course

Inquiries about the application procedure should be addressed to

Prospective international students

International students must apply in writing, so that their previous academic record can be verified. The deadline for international applicants is 15 June. Applications must be addressed directly to the International Relations Office. Please use the M.A. application form here and enclose the necessary documents.

Further information

Current information on procedure

Study and examination regulations:

Examination regulations M.A. (3 February 2016)
Examination regulations M.A. (5 March 2009)
Study guide (SoSe 2016)
Study guide (PO 2009)
Tabular overview

Module Handbook

Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.

Module Handbook (SoSe 2016)
Module Handbook (PO 2009)

Degree certificate

Graduates of this integrated course are awarded the Diplôme franco-allemand de master en sciences sociales, mention histoire (Université de Heidelberg-EHESS) at the EHESS and the M.A. degree for successful completion of the German-French Master’s Degree course in History at Heidelberg University. Accordingly, all students who have satisfied the requirements of the M.A. course in full will receive, alongside the degree certificate from their “home” university, a certificate from the partner institution and another from the Franco-German University.

Examinations board

Issues connected with credit transfer, recognition of student credentials and examinations are handled by the examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) referred to below.


Option 1: Students planning to submit their M.A. thesis in Heidelberg (normally in German) enrol for the German-French Master’s Degree course in History at Heidelberg University and pay the fees required of them.
During their one-year sojourn at EHESS, students of the M.A. course must also be duly and properly enrolled at Heidelberg University.

Option 2: Students planning to submit their M.A. thesis in Paris (normally in French) enrol for the German-French Master’s Degree course in History at EHESS and pay the administrative and general fees required of them.
During their one-year sojourn at Heidelberg University, students of the M.A. course must also be duly and properly enrolled at EHESS.

German-French Doctoral Programme

The German-French Doctoral Programme building on the German-French Master’s Degree course in History is designed as a PhD track programme. This means that students successful in the M.A. course can apply for admission to the doctoral programme after completion of the first year (M1). Conditional on successful completion of the M.A. course in the following year, they can then change directly to the PhD track and profit from institutionalised cotutelle de thèse supervision. This facilitates transition to the doctorate proper and opens up additional opportunities in applying for doctoral grants. The German-French Doctoral Programme is also sponsored by the DFH/UFA, with participants receiving mobility assistance to the tune of EUR 600 per month during their study sojourns abroad. The German-French Doctoral Programme is also open to qualified transfer students from elsewhere. For detailed information on the programme, the admission regulations and applications for admission, go to


Video DFG Exzellenzinitiative

VIDEO: DFA-UFA: Master d’histoire / Master in Geschichte

The video provides information on the German-French Master’s Degree course in History.


Watch video (Quick-Time-Version)
Watch video (Windows-Media-Version)


Academic advisor

Michael Roth, M.A. ( for the PhD-Programme)
Historisches Seminar - ZEGK
office hours Mondays 3-4pm and by appointment via e-mail
Grabengasse 3-5, Office 220a
D-69117 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221 542442

Sebastian Schütte, M.A. (for the M.A. degree)
Historisches Seminar - ZEGK
office hours Wednesdays 3-4pm and by appointment via e-mail
office address:
Marstallstraße 6, Office 414
69117 Heidelberg
postal address:
Historisches Seminar - ZEGK Grabengasse 3-5
69117 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221 54-3937



Programme coordinator

Prof. Dr. Sven Externbrink
Department of History - ZEGK
Grabengasse 3-5, Office 229
D-69117 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221-54-2269


Please address any further inquiries to Michael Roth:



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Latest Revision: 2019-04-02
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