Medical Education (MME)
Degree: | Master of Medical Education |
Application required: | mandatory |
Course start: | winter semester only |
Course duration: | 4 semesters |
Form of course: | full-time only |
Language requirements: | none |
Language of instruction: | English, German |
Other: | postgraduate |
Special fees: | EUR 5,000 per semester |
Course outline
The course is intended to give Medical Faculty members responsible for the planning and conduct of medical courses the opportunity to engage with modern educational theories and teaching methods taken from practice. It will also empower them to become competent multipliers in their Faculties, demonstrating new approaches to medical training, notably didactic techniques.
The course is patterned on international models and involves a number of highly qualified colleagues, in some cases from outside the University. To ensure that the required standards are maintained, the course will be subject from the outset to an evaluation process involving an international advisory group.
The MME course pursues the following objectives:
- professionalisation of medical training
- raising the standard of teaching
- training multipliers and leaders, in particular at medical Faculties
- promoting exchanges all over Germany
- promoting high-standard educational research
The MME is angled at multipliers at medical Faculties, notably in Germany (in line with the “train the trainer” approach).
In its statement on the efficiency, resources and size of medical institutions at universities (11 November 2005) the German Council of Sciences and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) refers to the inter-Faculty M.Sc. in Medical Education as “an important instrument for raising the quality of teaching, training multipliers and promoting exchange all over Germany”.
Course structure
The MME programme takes two years. Face-to-face learning takes place in eight modules of five days each (Mon.-Fri.), which should normally be completed in 18 months. This is followed by a six-month period devoted to the M.Sc. thesis. Up to 25 participants per year will be admitted to the course. Applicants are chosen by a selection committee appointed by the board of the Akademie für Ausbildung in der Hochschulmedizin (AHM). The modules are offered at selected German-speaking Faculties. One module includes an excursion to a prestigious university abroad. An important component of the curriculum is the independent planning, organisation and evaluation of a training course or workshop at the participants’ home Faculty (Project 1). A detailed written report concludes the project. The thesis takes the form of a training research project. It is presented in Module VIII and, if necessary, modified. The thesis is supervised by an expert (Project 2).
Course languages are German and English. The lecturers are recruited mainly from German and renowned international Faculties and are experts in the field of medical education. The aim is to have each module conducted by three lecturers, one from the home university and two others from Faculties elsewhere. This encourages greater exchange between Faculties and guarantees a more responsive and integrated approach than would be the case with a mere sequence of modules taking place in isolation at the various Faculties.
The central organisation of the MME course is managed by the MME office in Heidelberg.
Formal requirements
The course is access-restricted. Please consult the Admission Regulations hier.
Closing date for applications
15 March for the winter semester
Application procedure
Applications must be addressed directly to the Dean of Studies of the Medical Faculty (see below).
Current information on procedure
Further information
Website of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg
Examination regulations
Examination regulations (24 May 2007)
Examination regulations (6 June 2017)
Study regulations (8 December 2004)
Module Handbook
Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.
Examinations board
Issues arising in connection with examinations, credit transfer and academic credential recognition are dealt with by the relevant examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) indicated below.
The Master of Medical Education course has been accredited up to 30 September 2023.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees amount to EUR 5000 per semester. Furthermore, a contribution must be paid to the Student Services organisation and there is an administrative fee.
Academic advisors
Prof. Dr. Jana Jünger, MME (Bern)
Institut für Medizinische und Pharmazeutische Prüfungsfragen
Große Langgasse 8
55116 Mainz
office hours by arrangement
Phone +49 (0)6131-2813300
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Fischer, MME (Bern)
Chair for Didactics and Research in Medical Education at Munich University Hospital
Ziemssenstr. 1
80336 München
Office hours by arrangement
Phone: +49 (0)89-5160-7200 or -720
Dean of Studies, Medical Faculty
Im Neuenheimer Feld 346
D-69120 Heidelberg
Administration: Ms L. Ásgeirsson
phone: +49 (0)6221 564592
Fax: +49 (0)6221 564365