IÜD Students' Representative Council
Students' Representative Council Homepage: fsiued.stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Our FAQ for Newbies.
Who we are
We are the Students' Representative Council at the Institute for Translation and Interpreting.
The council is financially independent from the university and all of our members are student volunteers. We have been receiving financial support from the Student Council of the University of Heidelberg in its capacity as the university's supreme legislative student body since its establishment in 2013. We are a grassroots democratic organisation and every member of our team has an equal say in decisions.
At the moment we only have a few members which is why we look forward to new additions to our team.
Whether you have just started your degree here or have been at the Institute for a while, just drop by and say hello!
What we do
We serve as a liaison between students and lecturers and you can come to us with your questions, concerns and suggestions. Some of our members are part of the university's quality control committee for the distribution of funds (Qualitätssicherungsmittelkommission or QuaSimiKo). We are also in contact with the Student Council of the University of Heidelberg (Studierendenrat or StuRa) and organise events such as Christmas parties, summer barbecues and our legendary Institute parties!
Where you can find us
You can find us at our weekly meetings which currently take place every Wednesday afternoon at 5.30 online. Just email us at iued-fachschaft@stura.uni-heidelberg.de.
The latest news and information on upcoming events can be found on the Students' Representative Council notice board (to the left of the main entrance of the IÜD), on our homepage or on our Facebook page.
The Students' Representative Council of the Institute for Translation and Interpreting is responsible for the contents of the site.