Fellows 2014/15
Following the recommendation of the Marsilius Kolleg Selection Committee, the Rectorate of Heidelberg University appointed the following academics as Marsilius Fellows from March 1st, 2014 to February 28th, 2015:
Prof. Dr. Manfred Cierpka † (Medical Faculty)
Prof. Christina Gathmann, Ph.D. (Alfred-Weber-Institute for Economics)
Prof. Dr. Jens Halfwassen † (Faculty of Philosophy)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kahl (Faculty of Law)
Prof. Dr. Marcus Koch (Centre of Organismal Sudies (COS))
Prof. Dr. Sabina Pauen (Institute of Psychology)
PD Dr. Konstanze Plaschke (Medical Faculty Heidelberg)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Salmhofer (Institute of Theoretical Physics)
PD Dr. phil. Magnus Schlette (Faculty of Philosophy)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwinn (Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Siegmund (Departmant of Geography)
Prof. Dr. Jan Stievermann (Facutly of Theologie)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganß (Department of Physics and Astronomy)