Newsletter 2nd quarter 2017
Newsletter IBF University of Heidelberg, 2nd quarter 2017
Dear Users of the IBF,
a bit later this month, but nevertheless hot off the press. The news:
Construction work
Due to the construction work in the basement and the temporary steam withdrawal this week, there might be delays in the cage washing facility. We try to keep the delays to a minimum.
Due to an excessive work surplus regarding the billing, from now on there is only going to be a single bill per user. If you need your bill to be split up, this has to be communicated in advance and is subject to an additional fee.
Use of surgical theatres in the large animal area and the KEB
Please leave your workplace in an acceptable, clean state! Especially contaminations due to blood or tissue have to be cleaned!
Animal welfare
Laboratory animal seminars
We would like to invite to our upcoming laboratory animal seminar on May, 24th, 2017 with the topic: The 3Rs in genetics. Speaker is going to be Nadine Sündermann from GVG Genetic Monitoring. More details on our website.
On the animal welfare office homepage you can find a ready form for the extension/alteration of already authorized animal projects.
Applications for the generation of transgenic animals
Sentinel animals that are used in external holdings, can be noted using the file number for the §11 permit. According to the regional council Karlsruhe no separate permit is required.
Experimental projects of cooperation partners
When applying for the generation of a new mouse or rat line: please include the number of offspring up to and including F2 when calculating the animal numbers. THe existing sample applications, that you can find on the animal welfare officer homepage, have been modified accordingly.

Peromyscus maniculatus looking for spring.
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