When obtaining biopsy material from the ears of the animals you have to choose the project 35-9185.64/BH IBF when creating a tisssue order in TierBase. Should you need blood or tail tissue you need to choose the notification A-33/17 for these tissue orders unless you have your own notification. We would also like to remind you that genotyping should be done in a timely fashion, to obtain higher breeding efficience and avoid the production of unnecessary animals.
The TierBase server is going to change its location and IP on October 14th, 2018. The new IP is gonna be
Animal welfare
Animal transports and acclimatization
Animals, that are delivered into the IBF from external sources (breeders, cooperation partners) are subjected to massive stress due to the transport itself, re-housing into new cages and subsequent new grouping as well as the new holding conditions.
Due to that it is not recommended or sensible to start immediately after with your experiments. Generally an acclimatization period of one week is recommended. It should be avoided to subject the animals to further procedures on the day of their arrival.
Happy pumpkin time.
IBF Universität Heidelberg · Im Neuenheimer Feld 347 · Heidelberg 69120