Dies ist der Newsletter der IBF der Universität Heidelberg. Sie werden hier über tierschutzrechtliche Änderungen sowie über Änderungen im Betriebsablauf informiert.
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Newsletter IBF University of Heidelberg, 1st quarter 2019
Dear Users of the IBF,
a bit later this year, but nevertheless hot off the press. The news:
Animal orders BTL-Department
All wildtype-lines, needed by the BTL-department to realise biotech-requests, will be ordered at Janvier, as long as the corresponding line is available there. Consequently, also the embryo-donors will be purchased at Janvier. If embryos of another commercial breeder are requested this has to be precisely declared on the BTL-form.
Use of surgery stations
The surgery stations in the large animal area and KEB have to be kept clean.
In particular dirtiness from blood or gel-remnants on electrodes have to be removed.
For those of you who start to work in the KEB: An introductory training about the devices used for anesthesia is mandatory. Please contact Mr. Zimmermann. (Tel: 06221 54 5433).
The IBF is missing its material!
To ensure the proper flux of biopsies the IBF requires that the Cryo-Boxes are delivered back to the building 347. In case you have some boxes in your AG please return them to the IBF.
Animal welfare
Colony management
We have to insistently remind our users to realize an efficient colony management in conformity with the animal welfare regulations.
This shall avoid:
A) Unnecessary breeding of animals
B) Animals kept longer then their reproduction phase
C) Single animals are unnecessary kept
In this context we would like to underline that:
Biopsies are usually taken at P14. This timing should provide enough time to genotype before weaning.
Sacrificing according §4 Tierschutzgesetz
Killings according to §4, for which only a “declaration of killing” is necessary, are defined as killings without any previous intervention or procedure. The death of the animal has to be confirmed before any intervention or procedure is performed. If any procedure is performed prior to the death of the animal (e.g. perfusion) the procedure has to be declared and approved by the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe.
Declaration according to laboratory animal notification decree
Each year declarations have to be made regarding animal experiments that have to provide animal numbers, purpose and other information according to the laboratory animal notification decree. Declarations have to be provided by all project leaders who were responsible for notifiable or subject to authorization animal experimentation in 2018 according to §7 Abs2 TschG or §4 Abs3 TschG for killing.
The data has to be provided in a special excel sheet. The sheet necessary for this is attached to this mail. The federal ministry for nutrition and agriculture has provided a general guideline fort he use of this spreadsheet. You can find it via this link:
Even if you have not used any animals for a project in 2018, we need the declaration. Please provide only project leader, file reference and animal count (as "0") in the sheet then. Please note that it might be necessary to use several lines for a project. This might be necessary if genetically modified and not modified animals were used in the project or the assessment of suffering showed different results in experimental groups.
The completed excel sheets should be sent to Vtm 2018. Please provide project leader and file reference in subject line. Deadline is February 28th, 2018. Files sent to other e-Mail accounts cannot be considered.
The university is required to provide a uniform statement regarding all animal experiments that were done to state officials. As this requires an additional amount of work after you have provided your data sheets we would like to ask you to provide everything until the deadline.
In case of questions or if you need help with the spreadsheet please contact Dr. Kristianna Becker:
Kristianna Becker or 06221 54 8285
Animal research seminars
Wie nenne ich die Maus beim Namen?
Die korrekte Nomenklatur in der Versuchstierkunde (deutsch)
Datum: 19.03.2019 10:00
Referentin: Dr. Sabine Soltek, IBF, Universität Heidelberg
Ort: INF 328, SR 25
Hope for springtime
IBF der Universität Heidelberg 2019 Bei Rückfragen, Bitte um Entfernung aus dem Verteiler oder Sonstigem:
IBF Universität Heidelberg · Im Neuenheimer Feld 347 · Heidelberg 69120