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Young Marsilius Fellows 2022/23
Following the recommendation of the Selection Committee, the Directors of the Marsilius Kolleg appointed the following scholars as Young Marsilius Fellows from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2023.
Young Marsilius Fellows 2022/23
Annual motto: „Time & Space“
Dr. Anchel de Jaime Soguero (Molecular Biology)
Dr. Dennis Dietz (Theology)
Dr. Lena Jassowicz (Medicine)
Dr. Kornelius Kammler-Sücker (Neuro Psychology)
Dr. Markus Lieberknecht (Law)
Dr. Monika Pleyer (English Studies)
Dr. Elena Puris (Pharmacy)
Dr. María Claudia Ramírez Tannus (Astronomy)
Dr. Marius Schmitz (Psychology)
Dr. Joanna Simonow (History)
Dr. Aaron Vanides (History)
Dr. Wei Zhao (Applied Mathematics)
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