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Interprofessional Health Care

Degree Bachelor of Science  
Application mandatory  
Course commences winter semester only  
Standard course duration 8 semesters  
Focus option 100% only  
Language of instruction German / English  
Format option full-time / part-time  


Medical Faculty Heidelberg in conjunction with Academy of Health Professions

Course outline

This degree programme was launched at Heidelberg University in the winter semester 2011/2012. In order to maintain good health care in an increasingly complex health system, we require individuals who are capable of interdisciplinary ideas and actions. These principles are conveyed in collaborative learning environments. The degree programme is aimed at prospective students who wish to acquire the basics of health care science, practical competences and critical judgement skills in interdisciplinary exchanges.

The programme offers modules on the following topics:

  • interprofessional cooperation
  • scientific approaches in the health professions
  • evidence-based care on the basis of health sciences
  • health care for people in different stages of life
  • quality promotion and patient support
  • information and communication technologies in the health system
  • health professions in a business management context
  • various elective-compulsory offerings and practical classes

Course structure

The degree programme integrates training components of an individually selected health care profession. The main application requirement is a training position in one of the associated colleges of the Akademie für Gesundheitsberufe Heidelberg GmbH. The standard period of study is 8 semesters (180 credits). Semesters 1 through 5 are taught in combination with vocational training. This approach enables students to lay the foundations for their future professional careers during training. The focus shifts to the medical faculty in the following three semesters.
Students are therefore provided with the opportunity of gaining two degrees in the course of the degree programme: a state examination in a health profession and the academic degree “Bachelor of Science” (BSc).

Transfer to the 6th academic semester/part-time degree

Students who have successfully completed a 3-year vocational training course in a health care profession, can transfer directly to the 6th academic semester. Furthermore, students may continue to work in their jobs during their degree programme, if they work no more than 25-50%. If, for professional or personal reasons, transfer students require a flexible degree programme, they have the opportunity to enroll in the programme as part-time students.

M.Sc. course

The department of health care research and general medicine launched the Master’s degree programme “Health Care Research and Implementation Science in Health Care Systems“ in the summer 2015.

Formal requirements


Admission is restricted (NC = numerous clausus). Click here for the current Selection Regulations. The course can only be embarked on after submission of the Training Contract referred to in the Admission Regulations.

In the respective summer semester, there will be an opportunity for a restricted number of applicants to be transferred to the sixth semester of study. For more details, see §§ 14-21 of the Selection Regulations.


Each summer semester, a limited number of applicants can transfer directly to the 6th academic semester.  More detailed information can be found in §§ 14.21 of the selection regulations.

The application deadline for transfer students is 15 January.

Part-time degree

The course can be studied as a part-time degree as of the 6th semester.

Applications for part-time degrees can be submitted after admission as a transfer student. The academic advisors will help you develop an individual schedule.

Flyer: Interprofessional healthcare part-time degree

International applicants

There are special regulations for international applicants. For more information, apply to the International Relations Office of Heidelberg University (Seminarstraße 2).

Subject combinations

This course is a full main course (100% = one subject only). Combinations with other subjects are not permissible.

Study and examination regulations

Study and examination regulations (20 April 2011, last amended 28 November 2014)

Study and examination regulations (20 April 2011, last amended 25 July 2013)

Module Handbook

Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.

Examinations board

Issues arising in connection with examinations, credit transfer and academic credential recognition are dealt with by the relevant examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) indicated below.


Tuition fees at Heidelberg University are payable at the beginning of each semester.

Academic advisors

Bastian Blakowski, M.A.
Department of General Medicine and Care Research
Marsilius-Arkaden, Turm West
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.3.
D- 69120 Heidelberg

Anika Mitzkat, M.Sc.
Department of General Medicine and Care Research
Marsilius-Arkaden, Turm West
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.3.
D- 69120 Heidelberg

Office hours: Tuesdays 10-11 am and 4-5 pm and by arrangement (phone call)


Gudrun Walz, M.A.
Department of General Medicine and Care Research
Secretaries’ Office for Interprofessional Health Care
Marsilius-Arkaden, Turm West
Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.3.
D- 69120 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221 5638210
fax: +459 (0)6221 561972
Interprofessional Health Care

Editor: e-mail
Latest Revision: 2018-07-10
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