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Degree: Bachelor of Science
Application: mandatory for focus option 100% (including higher semesters)
not required for focus option 25%
Course commences: winter semester only
Standard course duration: 6 semesters
Focus options: 100%; 25%
Format options: none
Language of instruction: mostly German, partly English
Format options: full-time / part-time


Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies


Course outline

The B.Sc./M.Sc. courses in Psychology at Heidelberg University provide a broadly conceived education in the foundational and application-oriented sectors of the subject.

To facilitate study sojourns abroad and changes from one university to another, the course design is in line with the recommendations issued by the German Psychological Society.

One major concern of the course is to provide students with a sound knowledge of the methodologies applied in psychological research. Another is to provide at this early stage a wide range of seminars, practical classes and internships giving students an accurate impression of the various fields in which psychologists are professionally active.

Via the systematic combination of compulsory-elective options, students are invited (but not required) to organise at least a part of their studies in line with their own interests or inclinations.

Course structure

The B.Sc. course takes three years. Graduates can then embark on the M.Sc. course, which requires a further two years of study.

The B.Sc. course

In the first two years (1st to 4th semester), the B.Sc. course in Psychology focuses on the following topics:

  • General introduction (introduction to Psychology and Epistemology, trial studies)
  • Basic study techniques (critical reading of specialist literature, literature search)
  • Knowledge of academic methods (trial planning, empirical project seminars, statistics, introduction to PC data analysis)
  • Knowledge of classical sectors of Psychology (General Psychology, Differential Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Biological Psychology)
  • Knowledge of relevant application areas (Pedagogical Psychology, Health and Prevention, Clinical Psychology, Occupational and Organisational Psychology)
  • Basic knowledge of psychological diagnostics and test theory

Teaching comes in a variety of forms, combining lectures, tutorials, internships and practical classes.

After one year, students are required to sit an orientation examination in Methodology. Passing this exam is an essential prerequisite for the continuation of studies.

In the third year (5th and 6th semesters), students can select various subjects deepening their foundational knowledge and enhancing their application skills. The curriculum in this part of the course is also geared to the systematic acquisition of key subject-specific and interpersonal qualifications paving the way for later professional activity.

In the key interpersonal qualifications students can choose between modules in

  1. project organisation
  2. presentation of own research or
  3. teaching competence.

In the key subject-specific qualifications, the following modules are available

  1. case analysis
  2. diagnostics/expertise and
  3. counselling

The third year also encompasses an external internship (6 weeks) and the completion of the B.Sc. thesis.

To some extent, students can select a focus of their own within the B.Sc. course via combinations of the following modules:

  • critical reading of specialist literature
  • empirical project seminar
  • key interpersonal qualifications
  • key subject-specific qualifications
  • external internship
  • B.Sc. thesis

These modules can either be distributed widely across various sectors of the course or focus on one to two subdivisions.

Formal requirements


Bachelor 100%

Click here for the Selection Regulations. The application process takes place online.

Bachelor 25%

Admission to the course is not restricted. Click here for information on enrolment.

International students

Special regulations apply for international study applicants. For more information please consult Heidelberg University’s International Relations Office (Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen, Seminarstraße 2). International applicants can participate in a preparatory course lasting one semester and taking place in the summer term prior to the start of the course proper.

Subject combinations

Potential subject combinations are listed in the Catalogue of Subjects.

Study and examination regulations

Examination regulations Bachelor (14 June 2007, last amended 3 February 2014)

Module Handbook

Please click here to find the latest Module Handbook.

Examinations board

Issues arising in connection with examinations, credit transfer and academic credential recognition are dealt with by the relevant examinations board/office. For more information, consult the academic advisor(s) indicated below.


Tuition fees at Heidelberg University are payable at the beginning of each semester.

M.Sc. course

Heidelberg University offers a consecutive M.Sc. course in Psychology.

Academic advisor

Fabian Scheiter
Institute of Psychology
Hauptstraße 47-51
D-69117 Heidelberg
Office F102-103
phone: +49 (0)6221 547787

open office hours:
Mondays 4 pm - 8 pm
Thursdays 1 - 2 pm
Fridays 3 - 5 pm

telephone consultation:
Mondays 3 - 4 pm
Thursdays 12 - 1 pm
Fridays 2 - 3 pm


Hauptstraße 47–51
D-69117 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221 547346
fax: +49 (0)6221 547734

Student representation:
Hauptstraße 47–51, coffee basement (Friedrichsbau)
phone: +49 (0)6221 547616



E-Mail: Seitenbearbeiter
Letzte Änderung: 2019-05-28
zum Seitenanfang/up