Registered students have to declare their intention of continuing their studies at Heidelberg University for every semester within a given period. This declaration is called the ‘re-registration’.
The re-registration period for the summer semester is from 15 January to 15 February, and for the winter semester from 15 June to 15 July.
In order to re-register, the respective fees (administration fee, social fee, tuition fees if applicable) are paid by bank transfer. Cash payment at the university cashier is not possible. If cash payment is desired, please pay into our bank account with Sparkasse Heidelberg. Web-based re-registration is also an option: after your on-line re-registration you will be able to print out your certificates and student identity card for the coming semester.
You can settle your fees account yourself and re-register immediately if you pay your fees via direct debit within the re-registration period.
In order to do so, log in to the LSF portal (Lehre, Studium, Forschung) and choose Bezahlen & Rückmelden (‘pay and re-register’). Please make sure that the payable amount (Soll) is correct, and enter your bank details for the direct debit procedure. You will need to enter a valid TAN number to do this.
The direct debit authorisation issued by you is valid for one re-registration procedure only (for the coming semester) and must be issued again for the next semester. After your on-line re-registration you will be able to print out your certificates and student identity card for the coming semester.
If the fees are not paid in time, a late fee of 10 Euros will be levied.
Students who are behind schedule with their orientation examination or their intermediate examination or who have lost their entitlement to taking examinations do not receive a core data sheet even if the fees have been paid in due time. The Registrar’s Office imposes a re-registration ban. It is lifted as soon as proof of the successful completion of the required examination has been furnished, or if the examination board grants an extension of the examination deadline. If one of the above-mentioned cases is applicable for you, it is recommended that you get in touch with the respective examination board at an early stage.
If you are not sure whether or not you will be able to continue your studies at Heidelberg University, you should still re-register. Fees already paid can be refunded in case of exmatriculation. You can request refunding informally.
Please observe the respective deadlines!
If you do not re-register, it is assumed that you do not intend to continue your studies at Heidelberg University. You will be exmatriculated after a certain period of time.
Further information
- Bank account details
- Cash payment
- Fees
- Higher education law of the state
- On-line service
- Examination boards (german version available only)