| Dr. Niklas Baumgarten
Fachrichtung: Mathematik / Scientific Computing
Institut: Institut für Mathematik (IMa) | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Uncertainty Quantification - High-performance computing - Finite Element Methods - Optimal Control Problems - Machine Learning
My research focuses on developing a holistic methodology for quantifying uncertainties by integrating numerical analysis, statistics, scientific computing, software development, and domain knowledge of the application, e.g. physics or engineering. The challenge lies in balancing these disciplines effectively, which I believe can only be achieved through interdisciplinary exchange and appropriate communication between disciplines. | |
| Dr. Rosa Jahn
Fachrichtung: Versorgungsforschung Institut: Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung, Sektion Health Equity Studies & Migration | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung und Medikamenten
- Versorgungsgerechtigkeit
- Rechtliche Determinanten von Gesundheit
- Migration und Gesundheit
- Innovationsmanagement
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| Dr. Charlotte Kirsch-Klingelhöffer
Fachrichtung: Theologie
Einrichtung: Theologische Seminar (TS) | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
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| Dr. Rutger Lazou
Fachrichtung: Philosophie Institut: Philosophisches Seminar | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Moral and political philosophy
- Environmental ethics
- Animal ethics
- Climate justice
- Transitional justice
As a moral philosopher, questions about right and wrong are central in my research. In my current project, I explore the duties of governments to provide information about future climate regulations. I believe that the public can also benefit from being informed about my research and being a YMF gives me great opportunities for succeeding in this goal. | |
| Dr. Esra Oktay
Fachrichtung: Viral vector technologies Institut: Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung Infektions- und Tropenmedizin | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- DNA origami technology
- AAV vector-based gene therapy
- The formulation of alternative and novel systems that are interconnected with multiple disciplines.
As a researcher specializing in DNA nanotechnology, I am dedicated to exploring research initiatives employing interdisciplinary approaches. By participating in the YMF program, I seek to develop a transdisciplinary lens that combines the natural sciences with the humanities. | |
| Claudia Quitmann
Fachrichtung: Global Health Institut: Heidelberg Institut für Global Health | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the healthcare sector
- Greenhouse gas accounting in hospitals
- Climate-sensitive health counselling
- Health equity in the context of climate change adaptation
What exactly is ‘wrong and right’? How are wrong and right connected? How can ‘the right thing’ be achieved in the right way? As a physician and scientist at the interface of global health, health services research and environmental sciences, these questions related to environment and health interest me. My professional aspiration is to contribute to a health-promoting and healthy living environment. | |
| Dr. Lise Ramambason
Fachrichtung: Astronomie Institut: Zentrum für Astronomie | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Interstellar medium
- Star formation
- Matte cycle
- Galaxy evolution
- Statistical methods
As an astrophysicist studying the evolution of galaxies, the YMF project is an excellent opportunity for me to connect abstract notions of space and uncertainty with the wider global context in which any scientific process is rooted. Is there a right (or a wrong) way to communicate results that can shape our mental representation of the universe? How can we better integrate social and environmental concerns into theoretical research? | |
| Joey Rauschenberger
Fachrichtung: Geschichtswissenschaft Institut: Historisches Seminar | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus
- Rezeption und Aufarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus in der Bundesrepublik
- Wiedergutmachung von NS-Unrecht
- Geschichte der Sinti und Roma in Europa/ historische Antiziganismusforschung
- Kulturgeschichte der Verwaltung
- Südwestdeutsche Landesgeschichte
- Regionalgeschichte als Methode
As a Historian of National Socialism and its aftermath I have to do with societies trying to figure out the right way of dealing with the wrongs of the past. In my work I emphasize the way in which interpersonal encounters impact processes of reconciliation. The YMF enables similar encounters across academic disciplines. From this, I expect to explore new thematic and methodological horizons. | |
| Dr. Stefan Schröder
Fachrichtung: Biomechanics Institut: Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Heidelberg, Sektion für Biomechanik und Implantatforschung | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Wear simulation and optimization of artificial joints
- Retrieval analysis to identify mechanical failure mechanisms
I am a biomedical engineer working in the field of biomechanics and implant research and my focus is on analyzing and optimizing the function and resistance of artificial joints to increase the safety of patients. As a YMF, I am looking forward to the interdisciplinary exchange to broaden my perspective and improve my communication skills. | |
| Dr. Clara Vazquez-Martel
Fachrichtung: Material Science Institut: Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften/ Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM) | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- 3D Printing
- Designing novel sustainable polymers ('plastics'), i.e. from renewable feedstocks
- (Mechanical) Characterization of polymers
As a materials engineer, my work on novel polymers for 3D printing paves the 'right' way to a greener future by choosing renewable feedstocks and avoiding the 'wrong' impacts of fossil-based materials. The YMF allows me to explore 'right' and 'wrong' solutions across disciplines, connecting my research to a broader academic community. | |
| Jonas Wachinger
Fachrichtung: Global Health Institut: Heidelberg Institut für Global Health | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Interactions between socio-cultural dynamics and the delivery and uptake of purposive interventions
- Intersectional investigations of health decision-making
- Notions of empowerment through intervention uptake
- The framing od accessible health information in popular media
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| Dr. phil. Marvin Walczok
Fachrichtung: Psychologie Institut: Psychologisches Institut | Forschungsschwerpunkte:
- Digitalized work design
- Job insecurity due to automation
As a work and organizational psychologist, I am investigating the “right and wrong” effects of digitalization on motivational work design and employees' perceived job insecurity. By joining the YMF-program, I hope to broaden my research perspective and to gain valuable interdisciplinary research experiences. | |