Interdisciplinarity as Societal Responsibility
The dialogue between the academy and society is a particular concern of the Marsilius Kolleg. The focus of the Fellows’ projects in large part provides the basis for consideration of this issue, given many of them address major societal matters. In so doing, the Institute aims to involve the public and address public expectations and questions. Through an array of media and event offerings, the Institute publicizes interdisciplinary research and devotes attention to the societal responsibility of the academy.
Public Activities
The Marsilius-Kolleg brings socially relevant questions of interdisciplinary research into public view. The Institute organizes events intended to provide a forum in which scholars can clarify different perspectives on a topic, exchange arguments, and engage in dialogue with the audience – collegial and critical, while remaining open for debate.
Media & Publications
The results of the Institute are reflected in numerous publications and digital media outputs. For scientific manuscripts, the Marsilius-Kolleg produces the “Yearbook,” the online journal Forum Marsilius-Kolleg, and the Schriften des Marsilius-Kollegs, among others. In the podcast “Marsilius im Gespräch,” the Marsilius Fellows present their current research and their interdisciplinary collaboration to the public. Additionally, the video recordings of numerous events are made available online via heiONLINE.
Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship
The visiting professorship for science communication, established in the winter term 2018/2019, is a joint initiative of the Veranstaltungsforum of Holtzbrinck Berlin, the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS) and Ruperto Carola. A champion of excellent science communication and quality journalism is usually appointed as a guest professor each semester. Along with the furtherance these aims, young researchers are also trained to better communicate their research and findings to the public.