
Stephan Möller
Seminarstr. 3
69117 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 54-12320

Administrative office
Özge Kalkan
Seminarstr. 3
69117 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 54-12301

All division contacts


Department 3.2: Construction and Real Estate

The Department of Construction and Real Estate handles building activities associated with research projects and teaching requirements, taking into account the development planning of the President's Office. All projects are part of the space allocation management and ensure a future sustainability at the University. Based on these premises, concepts for allocation, space use and interim concepts for new and existing buildings are developed in close cooporation with the Building Officer.

The Energy Officer is responsible for an economical energy consumption and provides consulting on potential energy savings in all properties.


Head Contact
Head of Department
Construction and Real Estate / Policy Issues
Assigned Buildings: EINC, IMSE
Stephan Möller, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Project and Financial Controlling Dashdulam Panten
Administrative Office Özge Kalkan, B.A.
Construction Management Contact
Assigned Buildings: Faculty of Biosciences, BioQuant, Botanical Gardens, ZMBH Birgit Arnold, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Assigned Buildings: Theoretikum, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematikon), Multi-Purpose Laboratory Building (INF 329), Earth Sciences Florian Biermann, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Special Projects Susanne Herb, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Architect, M.Sc.
Assigned Buildings: Faculty of Physics (INF), CAM, PCI, LEMS, IUP Sigurd Köhler, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Assigned Buildings: Campus Bergheim and special Projects Katja Reinmuth, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Assigned Buildings: Medical Faculty Mannheim Marcus Strey, Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Assigned Buildings: Faculty of Physics and Astronomy TBA
Special projects Claudia Cermann
Energy Management Contact
Energy Management: Optimisation of Energy and Facilities Engineering, Energy Contracting
Assigned Buildings: CAM
Vladimir Slednev, Dipl.-Ing.


Email: Editor
Latest revision: 2025-02-05
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