
Communications and Marketing
Press Office
Grabengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-2311
Fax +49 6221 54-19020

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The photo pool has images from various areas of the university. In addition to the portfolio available for free public use, other photographs are obtain­able on request. [Photo pool|

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Press and Media

Semper Apertus, Old University Building, Photo: Atelier Altenkirch, Karlsruhe

Photo: Atelier Altenkirch, Karlsruhe

Information on “all things” Ruperto Carola, queries on current issues, contact with experts and interviewees, filming permits and university photographic material – the Press Office of the Communications and Marketing Department of Heidelberg University is the first point-of-contact for media representatives and journalists. Current press releases, news room announcements, and other publications can be accessed here.


Media questions and interview arrangements

Contact the Press Office team at +49 6221 54-2311 or


Latest information

Presse releasesPress releases
Press releases explain current research results, introduce projects in academic programmes and teaching, and provide information on important meetings and conferences.

Press releases Pressemitteilungen als RSS



News roomNews room
The university’s news room provides an overview of the latest news, events and announcements from throughout the university.

News room (Ger)



Persons of notePersons of note
Persons of note offers a monthly summary of professorship appointments and acceptances as well as honours and awards received by university members.

Persons of note (Ger)




Ruca 2018 13Ruperto Carola Research Magazine
The “Ruperto Carola” research magazine reports on scientific findings and current research projects at Heidelberg University.

Ruperto Carola (Ger)



Unispiegel CoverUniversity Magazine Unispiegel
The magazine for members, alumni and friends of the Ruperto Carola, as well as for the interested public: five issues of the Unispiegel (“university mirror”) are published every year.




SemesterkalenderSemester Calendar
The semester calendar serves to inform the members of the University and the citizens of Heidelberg about the Studium Generale, public lecture series and concerts.

Semester Calendar, summer 2019 (PDF, 2MB) (Ger)


All publications (overview)

Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2019-05-16
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