
Export Control Officer
Daniela Fabian
Seminarstr. 2
Room 337
69117 Heidelberg
Availability: Monday - Thursday
Phone +49 6221 54-12150

Administrative office
Phone +49 6221 54-12101


Staff Unit Export Control

Universities, research institutions and individual scientists continue to develop such know-how and technologies that have a dual use function. That means that they can be used for civilian and military purposes. In order to protect security interests, they are subject to restrictions under foreign trade law. Restrictions that (outside knowledge already in the public domain and basic scientific research) may play a role in the field of scientific research, e.g. in international research cooperation, cooperation with visiting scientists, the shipment of scientific equipment abroad or even luggage, as well as the transfer of knowledge and data or publications. It is necessary to check whether activities are prohibited or subject to approval in terms of foreign trade law.

The task of Export Control is to minimize the potential for misuse in connection with the export of sensitive goods, technologies, software or technical support by means of persons-, country-, goods- and (end-)user-related screenings. In addition, it is important to check the admissibility of export transactions and to carry out the prescribed licensing procedures. The Staff Unit Export Control maintains contact with the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control.


The responsibilities include in particular:

  • Central point of contact for internal and external persons/entities on export control-related issues
  • Assessment and clarification of licensing issues and requirements in relation to the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance, the EU Dual-Use Regulation and the export laws of other countries, e.g. U.S. export law
  • Maintaining contact with all internal and external agencies involved in licensing procedures
  • Application for licenses and other notifications under the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance and/or the EU Dual-Use Regulation
  • Monitoring of deadlines and obligations of existing approvals
  • Cooperation with the approval authorities
  • Consulting with regard to
    • Handling of goods subject to approval
    • Classification of technologies and technical support requiring approval
    • Employment of people from Non-EU countries
  • Advice on end-user certificates or end-use declarations, which are to be
    • issued by the university at the request of third parties
    • requested by the university from the recipient
  • Central documentation point for all export control relevant processes of the university
  • Provision of information material
  • Training of organization units
Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2024-08-08
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