Across Disciplines and Cultural Differences

“Crossing Borders: Unraveling Principles of Life with Quantitative Tools”
2012 Summer School of the HeKKSaGOn Consortium
Heidelberg University, Kyoto University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Tohoku University Sendai, University of Göttingen, Osaka University
Heidelberg University, September 17-26, 2012
The first summer school of the Japanese-German network HeKKSaGOn will take place at Heidelberg University from September 17-26, 2012. The HeKKSaGOn universities share the conviction that major global problems can only be solved by interdisciplinary and international cooperation in research and by the open and free exchange of knowledge. In order to convey this approach already to researchers in the first stage of their career they have designed an international summer school programme for 30 of their doctoral students from different disciplinary fields.
The main objective of the summer school is to inspire talented doctoral students by giving them the opportunity to meet with scientists who have succeeded in “creating new cross-disciplinary breakthroughs in science”. The lectures and workshops will mainly cover the following topics:
- Design of new materials inspired by nature
- Mathematical modeling of life and complex systems
- Development of new technological platforms for life sciences
- Synthetic biology to understand the origin of life
- Quantitative modeling of diseases and development.
Renowned researchers from various disciplines will give comprehensive presentations on how they got the idea to overcome the borders between different subjects and managed to establish cross-disciplinary networks, and demonstrate the general impact of their research. The doctoral students are expected to present their own PhD projects by short talks and posters. Visits to various research institutes in Heidelberg and Karlsruhe will complement the programme.
Presentations and discussions are scheduled from 09:30 hours to 16:30 hours and will take place at the historic centre of Heidelberg close to the Old University of Heidelberg.
For doctoral students reasonable travel costs (economy class tickets etc.) will be covered. Receipts (boarding cards etc.) will be needed for the refunding process. Accommodation will be offered free of charge. The cultural/social framework programme such as excursions and visits to museums will be free of charge for registered participants.
All participants are cordially invited to the Welcome Reception (Monday 17 Sept) and the Farewell Dinner (Wednesday 26 Sept).
All participants are expected to give a short presentation and present a poster during the poster sessions. Attractive prizes will be awarded to the best posters.
Registration extended until August 9, 2012.