Symposium „Human Germline Editing – Perspectives of Global Regulation”
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Marsilius-Kolleg, Lecture Hall, Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1, 69120 Heidelberg
Recently, various organisations have called for an international regulation of human genome editing, particularly of interventions into the human germline with the tool CRISPR-Cas9. In the last two years, several national and international organisations have themselves adopted ethical standards that set the stage for what should and should not be allowed through this technology in an increasingly comprehensive manner. However, there is still no internationally harmonized approach to the application of genome editing in humans. The symposium will therefore focus on the benefits and limitations of international regulation. Furthermore, it aims to approach human germline editing from an interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together experts and researchers from the life sciences and biomedicine, the social sciences, law and the humanities. The Symposium is part of the Marsilius Winter School 2018 “Global Governance of Human Germline Editing” (12-17 November 2018).
Anne Cambon-Thomsen, University Toulouse III
Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST, Brussels
Rosario Isasi, University of Miami
Ursula Klingmüller, German Cancer Research Center, Member of the German Ethics Council
Jennifer Merchant, Université Paris II Panthéon Assas
Philipp Stoellger, Heidelberg University
Kathleen M. Vogel, University of Maryland
Joachim Wittbrodt, Heidelberg University
09.00 Opening
Thomas Rausch, Director Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University
Michael Boutros, German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University
Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor, Heidelberg Academy of Science and Humanities
09.15 Designer Babies: Facts and Fiction
Jochen Wittbrodt, Heidelberg University
09.55 May we Design People? CRISPR/Cas and Genome Surgery as Promise or Nightmare?
Philipp Stoellger, Heidelberg University
10.35 Coffee Break
11.00 Anticipating Emerging Biotechnology Threats: A Case Study of CRISPR
Kathleen M. Vogel, University of Maryland
11.40 Working towards an Opinion Paper on Human Gene Editing
Ursula Klingmüller, Systems Biology, German Cancer Research Center
12.20 Lunch Break
13.30 Policy and Ethical Issues in Human Genome Editing, Health and the Human Future
Jennifer Merchant, University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
14.10 The Debate on Human Germline Genome Editing in the Context of Evidence and Opinion
Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST, Brussels
14.50 Coffee Break
15.20 The Place of Ethical Aspects of Human Germline Editing at the Various Levels of Governance
Anne Cambon-Thomsen, University Toulouse III
16.00 Regulating Human Genes and Editing Norms: Analyzing Policy Approaches Governing Human Genome Editing
Rosario Isasi, Comparative Law and Bioethics, University of Miami
16.40 Final Remarks
Michael Boutros, German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University
Fruzsina Molnár-Gábor, Heidelberg Academy of Science and Humanities
17.00 Reception
Registration for the Symposium: here
The symposium is part of an international Marsilius Winter School on the same topic funded by the BMBF.