
Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant - Publikationen




Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Kapitel in Sammelbänden

Sonstige Artikel und Buchkapitel





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Herausgeberschaften (* begutachtet)

  • Croissant, A. and L. Tomini (eds.). 2024. The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, and D. Pion-Berlin (eds.). 2024. Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Civil-Military Relations. London: Edward Elgar.
  • Croissant, A. (ed.). 2024. Democratic Resilience in Asia. Special Issue of Global Asia, 19(1).
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann (eds.). 2023*. Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.), 2022, Democratic Regressions in Asia. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. (ed.), 2021, Ressourcen. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press.
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.), 2021*, Democratic Regressions in Asia. Special Issue of Democratization, 28(1).
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann (eds.), 2020*, Stateness and Democracy in East Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press. Paperback edition published in 2022.
  • Croissant, A. and P. Walkenhorst (eds.), 2020, Social Cohesion in Asia – Historical origins, contemporary shapes, and future dynamics. London and New York: Routledge.
    Reviewed in
  • Bruneau, T. C. and A. Croissant (eds.), 2019*, Civil-Military Relations: Control and Effectiveness Across Regimes. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
    Reviewed in Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, February 2020, pp. 81-82; Armed Forces & Society, DOI: 10.1177/0095327X20903483; Democracy and Security, DOI: 10.1080/17419166.2020.1802169; Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies 2(2), 2020; Parameters 51(3) Autumn 2021.
  • Hellmann, O. and A. Croissant (guest editors), 2018*, State Capacity and the Survival of Electoral Authoritarianism, Special Issue International Political Science Review, 38(1).
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn (eds), 2017, Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies. Democratic Control and Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives. Heidelberg: Springer , 228 pp.
    Reviewed in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 36, 2, 137–148.
  • Croissant, A., S. Kneip and A. Petring (eds.), 2017, Demokratie, Diktatur und Gerechtigkeit. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 789 pp.
  • Croissant, A. and Jale Tosun (guest editors), 2016*, The Global Diffusion of Policy Innovations: Democracies and Autocracies Compared. Special Section Global Policy, 7(4).
  • Albrecht, H., A. Croissant and F. H. Lawson (Ed.), 2016*, Military Engagement in Mobilizing Societies: Armies and the Arab Spring. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 307pp.
    Reviewed in: Middle East Media and Book Reviews Online, 5(6), June 2017; Review of Middle East Studies, 52(1), 238–243; Democratization 24(5) 2017, 884-886; The International Spectator,52(4) 2017, 159-160; Journal of Political & Military Sociology 46(2) 2019, 392-394.
  • Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster (eds.), 2014, Comparing autocracies in the early Twenty-first Century. Vol. 1: Unpacking Autocracies: Explaining Similarity and Difference, London: Routledge, 180 pp. (accepted for publication, forthcoming April 2014),
  • Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster (eds.), 2014, Comparing autocracies in the early Twenty-first Century. Vol. 2: The Performance and Persistence of Autocracies, London: Routledge, 180 pp. (accepted for publication, forthcoming April 2014),
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.), 2014, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 1, London: Routledge, 224 pp.,
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.), 2014, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 2, London: Routledge, 199 pp.
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.), 2014, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 3, London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and S. Wurster (eds.), 2013, Persistence and Performance of Autocracies. Special Issue of Contemporary Politics, 19(1)*,
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn (eds.), 2011, Civil-military Relations in Democratizing Asia – Structure, Agency and the Struggle for Civilian Control, Special Issue of Asian Journal of Political Science, 19(3).*
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2011, Symposium on “New Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations, European Political Science, 13(3).*
  • Croissant, A. and M. Bünte (eds.), 2011, The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Southeast Asia, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave.*
  • Chambers, P. W. and A. Croissant (eds.), 2010, Democracy under Stress. Civil-military relations in South and Southeast Asia, Bangkok: ISIS.
  • Croissant, A. (ed.), 2010, Ostasien zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie. Special Issue of Asien. The German Journal of Contemporary Asia, 116 (July).
  • Croissant, A. and B. Martin (eds.), 2006, Between Consolidation and Crisis. Elections and Democracy in Five Nations in Southeast Asia, Münster: LIT Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., S. Kneip and B. Martin (eds.), 2006, The Politics of Death. Political Violence in Southeast Asia, Münster: LIT Verlag.
  • Merkel, W. and A. Croissant (eds.), 2004, Consolidated or Defective Democracy? Special Issue of Democratization, 11(5).*
  • Croissant, A., G. Erdmann and F.W. Rüb (eds.), 2004, Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Politik in jungen Demokratien, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Bendel, P., A. Croissant and F.W. Rüb (eds.), 2003, Demokratie und Staatlichkeit. Systemwechsel zwischen Staatsreform und Staatskollaps, Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., G. Bruns and M. John (eds.), 2002, Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia, Singapore: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
    • Reprint in Indonesian: Politik Pemilu di Asia Tenggara dan Asia Timur, Jakarta: FES, 2003.
  • Bendel, P., A. Croissant and F.W. Rüb (eds.), 2002, Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Zur Konzeption und Empirie demokratischer Grauzonen, Opladen: Leske+Budrich.


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Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Kapitel in Sammelbänden

  • Croissant, A. & N. Waldner, 2025, “From Capacity to Performance. Pathways of Democratic Resilience in Asia”. Contemporary Politics,
  • Croissant, A. & L. Lott, 2024, Democratic Resilience in the Twenty-First Century. Search for an Analytical Framework and Explorative Analysis (August 21, 2024). University of Gothenburg, Varieties of Democracy Institute: Working Paper No. 149. Available at SSRN.
  • Croissant, A. & Kuehn, D., 2024, “Soldiers and Autocratization: Varieties of military roles in post-Cold War Asia”. Journal of Global Security Studies,
  • Croissant, A., A. Hengge & C. Wintergerst, 2024, “Beating Backsliding. Episodes and outcomes of democratic backsliding in Indo-Pacific Asia since 1950”. Asian International Studies Review, 2024(1), 1-29,
  • Croissant, A., 2024, “Civil-Military Relations in Asia: Between Democratization and Autocratization”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press,
  • Lott, L., A. Croissant and C. Trinn, 2023, “The Ambivalent Effect of Autocratization on Domestic Terrorism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism,
  • Bayer, M., A. Croissant, R. Izadi and N. Scheeder, 2023, “Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3) - A Global Dataset”. Armed Forces & Society,
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, A. Macias-Weller and D. Pion-Berlin, 2023, “Militarization of COVID-19 Responses and Autocratisation: A Comparative Study of Eight Countries in Asia-Pacific and Latin America”. Journal of East Asian Affairs, 36(2), 5-52.
  • Croissant, A. and L. Pelke. 2023. COVID-19 and Democracy: Creeping Autocratization? In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann. 2023. Conclusion. In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann. 2023. Introduction: Democracy and State Capacity during Times of Crisis. In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., and L. Pelke, 2022, “Measuring Policy Performance, Democracy and Governance Capacities: A conceptual and methodological assessment of the Sustainable Governance Indicators.” European Policy Analysis,
  • Pelke, L. and A. Croissant, 2021, “Conceptualizing and Measuring Autocratization Episodes”. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(2), 434-448, DOI: 10.1111/spsr.12437
  • Croissant, A., and J. Haynes, 2021, “Democratic Regression in Asia: Introduction”. Democratization, 28(1), 1-21
  • Croissant, A., 2019, „Cambodia in 2018. Requiem for multiparty politics”, Asian Survey 59(1), 170-176.
  • Pelke, L. and A. Croissant, 2018, “Autokratische Redistribution - Institutionen, Legitimation und die Umverteilung von Einkommen in Nicht-Demokratien" (Autocratic Redistribution – Institutions, legitimation and income redistribution in non-democracies), Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 12(3), 509-538.
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann, 2018, “Introduction: State Capacity and Elections in the Study of Authoritarian Regimes”, International Political Science Review, 38(1), 1-15.
  • Croissant, A., 2018, “Cambodia in 2017. Descending into Dictatorship?. Asian Survey, Vol. 58 No. 1, January/February 2018; (pp. 194-200) DOI: 10.1525/as.2018.58
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn and T. Eschenauer, 2018, “The “Dictator’s Endgame”: Explaining Military Behavior in Nonviolent Anti-Incumbent Mass Protests”. Democracy and Security, online first
  • Croissant, A., T. Eschenauer and J. Kamerling, 2017, “Militaries’ Roles in Political Regimes: Introducing the PRM Data Set”. European Political Science, 16(3), 400-414. DOI: 10.1057/s41304-016-0083-6.
  • Kuehn, D., A. Croissant, J. Kamerling, H. Lueders and A. Strecker, 2017, „Conditions of civilian control in new democracies: an empirical analysis of 28 ‘third wave’ democracies”, European Political Science Review, 9(3), 425-448.
  • Croissant, A., 2016, “Civil-Military Relations in Asia.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199756223-0150.
    Forthcoming. Croissant, Aurel. “Civil-Military Relations in Asia.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2nd edition.
  • Tosun, J. and A. Croissant, 2016, “Policy Diffusion: A Regime-Sensitive Conceptual Framework”, Global Policy 7(4), 534-540.
  • Croissant, A. and J. Tosun, 2016, „Introduction: Bringing Regime Types into Diffusion Studies“, Global Policy, 7(4), 531-533.
  • Croissant, A., 2015, “Demokratische Transformation seit 1989: Der „Fall Ostdeutschland“ aus Perspektive der politikwissenschaftlich-vergleichenden Transformations-forschung“. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ZPol), 25(3), 367-377.
  • Lueders, H. and A. Croissant, 2015, Eine Antwort auf die Replik von Kailitz und Tanneberg zu unserem Beitrag „Wahlen, Strategien autokratischer Herrschaftssicherung und das Überleben autokratischer Regierungen“, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 9 (2), 3-13.
  • Lueders, H. and A. Croissant, 2014, “Wahlen, Strategien autokratischer Herrschaftssicherung und das Überleben autokratischer Regierungen“, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 8 (3-4), 329-355.
  • Croissant, A., 2014, “Ways of Constitution-Making in Southeast Asia: Actors, Interests, Dynamics”, Contemporary Southeast Asia.
  • Croissant, A., 2014, “Civilian control of the military in emerging democracies: theory and empirical evidence from Asia”, Journal of European Studies (accepted for publication).
  • Croissant, A. and J. Kamerling, 2014, “Why Do Military Regimes Institutionalize? Constitution-making and Elections as Political Survival Strategy in Myanmar”, Asian Journal of Political Science, 21(2), pp. 105-125.
  • Croissant, A. and S. Wurster, 2013, “Performance and Persistence of Autocracies in Comparison: Introducing Issues and Perspectives”, Contemporary Politics, 19(1).
  • Croissant, A., “Coups and Post-coup Politics in Southeast Asia and the Pacific – Conceptual and Comparative Perspectives “, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 67 (3), pp. 264-280.
  • Croissant, A., 2013, “Coups and Post-coup Politics in Southeast Asia and the Pacific – Conceptual and Comparative Perspectives “, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 13(3) (forthcoming).
  • Croissant, A. and P. Völkel, 2012, “Party System Types and Party System Institutionalization. Comparing New Democracies in East and Southeast Asia”, Party Politics, 18(2), pp. 235-262.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2011, “Introduction: New Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations”, European Political Science (10), pp. 131-136.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, P.W. Chambers and S.O Wolf, 2011, “Conceptualizing Civil-military Relations in Emerging Democracies”, European Political Science, 10, pp. 137-145.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2011, “Guest Editors’ Preface: Civil-military Relations in Democratizing Asia – Structure, Agency and the Struggle for Civilian Control”, Asian Journal of Political Science, 19(3), pp. 213-222.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, P. W. Chambers, P. Lorenz and S.O. Wolf, 2011, “Theorizing Civilian Control of the Military in Emerging Democracies: Agency, Structure and Institutional Change”, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, ZfVP, 5(1), pp. 75-98.
  • Giersdorf, S. and A. Croissant, 2011, “Civil Society and Competitive Authoritarianism in Malaysia”, Journal of Civil Society, 7(1), pp. 1-21.
  • Croissant, A., P. W. Chambers, D. Kuehn and S.O. Wolf, 2010, “Beyond the Fallacy of Coup-ism: Conceptualizing Civilian Control of the Military in Emerging Democracies”, Democratization, 17(5), pp. 948-978.
  • Croissant, A., 2010, “Provisions, Practices and Performances of Constitutional Review in Democratizing East Asia”, Pacific Review, 23(5), pp. 549-578.
  • Chambers, P.W. and A. Croissant, 2010, “Monopolizing, Mutualizing, or Muddling Through: Factions and Party Management in Contemporary Thailand“, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, (3), pp. 3-33.
  • Croissant, A. and P.W. Chambers, 2010, “Intra-Party Democracy in Thailand”, Asian Journal of Political Science, 18(2), pp. 195-223.
  • Croissant, A. and T. Schächter, 2010, “Institutional Patterns in the New Democracies of Asia. Forms, Origins and Consequences”, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 11(2), pp. 173-197.
  • Wagschal, U., A. Croissant, T. Metz, C. Trinn and N. Schwank, 2010, “Kulturkonflikte in inner- und zwischenstaatlicher Perspektive“, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 17(1), pp. 5-37.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2009, “Patterns of Civilian Control of the Military in East Asia's New Democracies“, Journal of East Asian Studies, 9(2), pp.187-207.
  • Croissant, A. and T. Schächter, 2009, “Demokratiestrukturen in Asien: Befunde, Determinanten und Konsequenzen”, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 19(3).
  • Croissant, A., 2008, “The Perils and Promises of Democratization through United Nations Transitional Authority – Lessons from Cambodia and East Timor”, Democratization, 15(3), pp.649-668.
    • Reprint in: Merkel, W. and S. Grimm, Sonja (eds.), War and Democratization. Legality, Legitimacy and Effectiveness, London: Routledge, 2009.
  • Croissant, A. and T. Schächter, 2008, “Die Nationalisierung politischer Parteien und Parteiensysteme in Ostasien“, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 49(4), pp.618-640.
  • Croissant, A., 2008, “Die Parteiensysteme neuer Demokratien in Ostasien: Merkmale, Typen und Institutionalisierungsgrad“, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 1, pp. 98-125.
  • Croissant, A., 2008, “Soziale Gruppen, politische Kräfte und die Demokratie. Eine strukturorientierte Analyse demokratischer Transformation in Thailand“, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 2, pp. 3-37.
  • Croissant, A., 2007, “International Interim Governments, Democratization, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding”, in: Guttieri Karen/Piombo Jessica (eds.), Interim Governments. Institutional Bridges to Peace and Democracy?, Washington, D.C.: US Peace Institute.
  • Croissant, A., 2007, “Muslim Insurgency, Political Violence, and Democracy in Thailand”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 19(1), pp. 1-18.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Barlow, 2007, “Following the Money Trail: Terrorist Financing and Government Responses in Southeast Asia”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 30(2), pp. 131-157.
    • Reprint: “Terrorist Financing and Government Responses in Southeast Asia”, in: Trinkunas, H. and J. Giraldo (eds.), Terrorist Financing and State Responses, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2007, “Demokratisierung und zivil-militärische Beziehungen in Ostasien: Theorie und Empirie”, Südostasien aktuell, 3, pp. 5-55.
  • Croissant, A. and D.J. Pojar, 2006, “The Parliamentary Elections in Thailand, February 2005", Electoral Studies, 25(3), pp. 184-191.
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Unrest in South Thailand: Contours, Causes, and Consequences Since 2001", Contemporary Southeast Asia, 27(1), pp. 21-44.
  • Croissant, A., 2004, “From Transition to Defective Democracy. Mapping Asian Democratization", Democratization, 11(5), pp. 156-179.
  • Croissant, A. and W. Merkel, 2004, “Introduction: Democratization in the Early Twenty-First Century", Democratization, 11(5), pp. 1-10.
  • Merkel, W. and A. Croissant, 2004, “Conclusion: Good and Defective Democracies”, Democratization, 11(5), pp. 199-214, 2004.
  • Croissant, A., “Changing Welfare Regimes in East and Southeast Asia. Crisis, Change and Challenge", Social Policy & Administration, 38(5), pp. 504-524.
  • Croissant, A., 2004, “Riding the Tiger. Civilian Control and the Military in Democratizing Korea", Armed Forces & Society, 30(3), pp. 357-382.
  • Croissant, A., 2003, “Legislative Powers, Veto Players and the Emergence of Delegative Democracy. A Comparison of Presidentialism in the Philippines and Korea", Democratization, 10(3), pp. 68-99.
  • Croissant, A. and J. Dosch, 2003, “Parliamentary elections in Thailand, March 2000 and January 2001", Electoral Studies, 22(1), pp. 153-161.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, “Majoritarian and Consensus Democracy, Electoral Systems, and Democratic Consolidation in Asia", Asian Perspective, 26(2), pp. 5-41.
  • Merkel, W. and A. Croissant, 2000, “Formale und informale Institutionen in defekten Demokratien", Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 41(1), pp. 3-31.
    • Reprint: “ФОРМАЛЬНЫЕ И НЕФОРМАЛЬНЫЕ ИНСТИТУТЫ В ДЕФЕКТНЫХ ДЕМОКРАТИЯХ“, Polis 1, pp. 6-13; Polis, 2, pp. 20-30, browse/doc/4090961.
    • Reprint: "La Democracia defectuosa como régimen político. Instituciones formales e informales", in: Construcción de Europa, Democracia y Globalización ,Vol. I, , Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2001 (edited by Máiz, Ramón).
    • Reprint: “Formal Institutions and Informal Rules in Defective Democracies", Central European Political Science Review, 1(2), 2000, pp.31-48.
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Sonstige Artikel und Buchkapitel

  • Wintergerst, C. and A. Croissant, “Functions of Political Parties in Southeast Asia: A Regime Perspective”. Handbook of Political Parties of the Global South. Edited by L. Strom, deGruyter. (forthcoming)
  • Wießmann, J. and A. Croissant, “Revisiting the Stateness-Democracy Nexus: Regime Resilience in Southeast Asia”. Handbook of Democratization in Southeast Asia. Edited by M. Bünte and A. Ufen, Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)
  • Lott, L. and A. Croissant, “Autocratic Deepening”, in Handbook of Democratization and De-Democratization, ed. by M. Bogaards. (in prep)
  • Croissant, A. and C. Wintergerst, “Military”. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Laos, edited by S. Creak, H. High and O. Tappe, London and New York: Routledge. (forthcoming)
  • Croissant, A., 2024, “Democratic Regression and Resilience in South Korea: Lessons from the Martial Law Crisis”. Global Asia, 19(4).
  • Croissant, A. and L. Tomini, 2024, “Introduction”. Routledge Research Handbook Autocratization. Edited by A. Croissant and L. Tomini, London/New York: Routledge.
  • Lott, L. and A. Croissant, 2024, “Measuring Autocratization”. Routledge Research Handbook Autocratization. Edited by A. Croissant and L. Tomini, London/New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2024, “Military and Autocratization”. Routledge Research Handbook Autocratization. Edited by A. Croissant and L. Tomini, London/New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., 2024, “Introduction to Part V: Military in Autocratization and Democratization”. Research Handbook Civil-Military Relations. Edited by A. Croissant, D. Kuehn and D. Pion-Berlin. Edward Elgar.
  • Pion-Berlin, D., A. Croissant and D. Kuehn, 2024, “Introduction”. Research Handbook Civil-Military Relations. Edited by A. Croissant, D. Kuehn and D. Pion-Berlin. Edward Elgar.
  • Eschenauer-Engler, T., D. Kuehn, and A. Croissant, 2024, “Regime Maintenance and Counter-Protest”. Research Handbook Civil-Military Relations. Edited by A. Croissant, D. Kuehn and D. Pion-Berlin. Edward Elgar.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, M. Bayer, and N. Scheeder, 2024, “Remilitarization in Asia. Trends and Implications”. GIGA Focus 2(2024).
  • Croissant, A., 2024, “Introduction: Democratic Resilience in Asia”. Enduring Hope: Democratic Resilience in Asia. Cover issue of Global Asia, 19(1), 8-13.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, A. Marcias-Weller, and D. Pion-Berlin, 2023, “Militarisation of COVID-19 Responses and Autocratisation: A Comparative Study of Eight Countries in Asia-Pacific and Latin America”, GIGA Working Paper 334, Hamburg, GIGA.
  • Bayer, M., F.S. Bethke, A. Croissant, and N. Scheeder, 2023, “Back in Business or Never Out? Military Coups and Political Militarization in Sub-Saharan Africa”, PRIF Spotlight 13/2023, Frankfurt/M,
  • Croissant, A. and H. Mosler, 2023, “Das politische System Südkoreas”. In Die Politischen Systeme Ostasiens. 4. erweiterte u. aktualisierte Auflage, ed. by C. Derichs, T. Heberer u. G. Schubert. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 401-484.
  • Kuehn, D. and A. Croissant, 2023, “Die politische Kontrolle des Militärs”. In Militärsoziologie - Eine Einführung, 3. Auflage, ed. by Ninas Leonhard and Ines-Jaqueline Werkner. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., 2022, “Foreword”. The Parliamentary Elections of 2019 in India. Democracy at the Crossroad? Edited by S. K Mitra, R. Saxena and P. Mukherjee. Dehli: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., 2021, “Civilian Control of the Military: Patterns of Success and Failure“. The Quest for Democracy: Examining Civil-Military Relations in Muslim Societies. Edited by Sami A. Al-Arian. Istanbul: Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Press, 15-41.
  • Croissant, A., 2021, “Political Finance Regimes, Political Corruption and Party System Institutionalization in Southeast Asia”. Political Corruption and Organizational Crime. The Grey Fringes of Democracy and the Private Economy. Edited by Elizangela Valarini, Markus Pohlmann, Subrata Mitra. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 89-125.
  • Croissant, A. and L. Pelke, 2021, “Development and Democracy in East Asia." In Elgar Research Handbook on Democracy and Development, eds. Gordon Crawford and  Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 228-249.
  • Croissant, A., 2021, Transforming Civil-Military Relations: Myanmar in Comparative Perspective. Stimson Center Asia Policy Paper,
  • Croissant, A., 2020, “Democratization, National Identity and Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia”, Democratization, National Identity and Foreign Policy in Asia, edited by Gilbert Rozman. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., 2020 “Radicalization, Terrorism and Democratization in Southeast Asia”, United by Violence, Divided by Cause?, edited by La Toya Waha. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 71-101.
  • Croissant, A., 2020, Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt in Asien. Ursprünge, Formen, Dynamiken. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung. DOI 10.11586/2020037;
  • Croissant, A., 2020, “Democracies With Preexisting Conditions and the Coronavirus in the Indo-Pacific”, The ASAN Forum,
  • Croissant, A., 2020, “The Struggle for Democracy in Asia – Regression, Resistance, Revival”, Asia Policy Brief, Bertelsmann Stiftung,
  • Croissant, A. and L. Diamond, 2020, “Reflections on Democratic Backsliding in Asia”. Global Asia, 15 (1) 2020, 8-11,
  • Croissant, A. and J.-E. Kim, 2020, „ Keeping Autocrats at Bay: Lessons from South Korea and Taiwan“. Global Asia, 15(1), 28-34.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2020, “Militär und Politik in Demokratien und Autokratien“. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 16-17/2020, 38-46.
  • Croissant, A and A. Hengge, 2020, “Democracy As a Method of Nonviolence. Nonviolent Protest, Democratization and the Fate of Post-Authoritarian Democracy in East Asia”, Public Jurist (January), 8-16.
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann, 2020, “Introduction: Rethinking Stateness and Democracy in East Asia”, Stateness and Democracy in East Asia, edited by O. Hellmann and A. Croissant. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-24
  • Croissant, A. and R. Abu Sharkh, 2020, “As good as it gets? Stateness and Democracy in East Timor”, Stateness and Democracy in East Asia, edited by O. Hellmann and A. Croissant. New York: Cambridge University Press, 204-232.
  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann, 2020, “Stateness and Democracy: Evidence from Asia and cross-regional comparisons”, Stateness and Democracy in East Asia, edited by O. Hellmann and A. Croissant. New York: Cambridge University Press, 233-262.
  • Croissant, A. and P. Walkenhorst, 2020, “Social Cohesion in Asia: an introduction”. Social Cohesion in Asia – Historical origins, Contemporary Shapes, and Future Dynamics, edited by A. Croissant and Peter Walkenhorst. London and New York: Routledge, 1-25.
  • Croissant, A. and J.-e. Kim, 2020, “South Korea: A Triple Paradox of Social Cohesion”. Social Cohesion in Asia – Historical origins, Contemporary Shapes, and Future Dynamics, edited by A. Croissant and Peter Walkenhorst. London and New York: Routledge, 74-100.
  • Croissant, A., 2020, “Tentative Conclusions and Prospects for Future Research”. Social Cohesion in Asia – Historical origins, Contemporary Shapes, and Future Dynamics, edited by A. Croissant and Peter Walkenhorst. London and New York: Routledge, 213-231.
  • Kuehn, D., T. Eschenauer-Engler, and A. Croissant, 2019, “Das Militär entscheidet über den Ausgang von Massenprotesten”. GIGA Focus 4/2019,
  • Bruneau, T.C. and A. Croissant, 2019, “Why Control is Not Enough”, Civil-Military Relations: Control and Effectiveness Across Regimes, edited by Tom C. Bruneau and Aurel Croissant, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1-18
  • Bruneau, T.C. and A. Croissant, 2019, “The Nexus of Control and Effectivenes”, Civil-Military Relations: Control and Effectiveness Across Regimes, edited by Tom C. Bruneau and Aurel Croissant, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 227-242
  • Croissant, A., 2019, “Historical Legacies”, Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, edited by R. Kollmorgen, W. Merkel, and H.-J. Wagener, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 515-520.
  • Croissant, A. and W. Merkel, 2019, “Defective Democracy”. Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, edited by R. Kollmorgen, W. Merkel, and H.-J. Wagener, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 437-446.
  • Croissant, A., 2018, “Foreword”. The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and the Pursuit of Global Justice (UNAOC). Overcoming Western versus Muslim Conflict and the Creation of a Just World Order. Lewiston/Lamper: The Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Croissant, A., 2018, “Vietnam: The Policy Styles of a Lame Leviathan”, Policy Styles and Policy-Making: Exploring the Linkages, edited by M. Howlett and J. Tosun. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., 2018, “Democratization, National Identity, and Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia”. THE ASAN FORUM, 6(5), September - October. Online ISSN 2288-5757; 
    (reprint: in Rozman, G., ed., Democratization, National Identity and Foreign Policy, New York/London: Routledge, 2021).
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn and T. Eschenauer, 2018, “Masses and Militaries. The Outcomes of Dictator’s Endgames”, Journal of Democracy, 29(3), 141-155.
  • Croissant, A., T. Eschenauer and J. Kamerling, 2018, “The Military and Autocratic Regimes: Roles of the Armed Forces”, in: Gerschewski, Johannes/Stefes, Christoph H. (eds.). Crisis in Authoritarian Regimes, Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner, 89-111.
  • Croissant, A. and T. Eschenauer, 2018, “The Military and Politics in North Africa and the Levant”, Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, edited by R. Gillespie and F. Volpi, New York/London: Routledge, 157-170.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2018, “Military and Politics“, Routledge Handbook of Asian Politics, edited by Shiping Hua, New York/London: Routledge, 413-429.
  • Croissant, A., 2017, Die deutschsprachige Forschung zur Transformation politischer Systeme in Asien – Perspektiven, Profile und Befunde”, Asien 144 (July), 135-152.
  • Croissant, A., 2017, “Social Cohesion in Asia: Unexpected and Not So Unexpected Insights from the Asian Radar”, What Holds Asian Societies Together? Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar, edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 199-224.
  • Croissant, A., 2017, “Fünf Jahrzehnte Transformationsforschung: Entwicklung, Stand und Zukunftsperspektiven”. Demokratie – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt, edited by Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz. Hamburg/Münster: LIT.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2017, „Introduction“. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies. Democratic Control and. Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives, edited by A. Croissant and D. Kuehn, Heidelberg: Springer: 1-21.
  • Croissant, A., S. Kneip and A. Petring, 2017, “Einleitung”. Demokratie, Diktatur und Gerechtigkeit. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel, edited by A. Croissant, S. Kneip, and A. Petring. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, 1-37.
  • Croissant, A., 2017, “Legitimationsvorteil der Diktatur? Politische Unterstützung und Regimetypen in Asien“., Demokratie, Diktatur und Gerechtigkeit. Kritische. Festschrift für Wolfgang Merkel, edited by A. Croissant, S. Kneip, and A. Petring. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, 545-569.
  • Croissant, A., 2016,  “Ways of Constitution-Making in Southeast Asia: Actors, Interests, Dynamics”, Politics and Constitutions in Southeast Asia, edited by Marco Bünte and Björn Dressel, London/New York: Routledge, 25-47.
  • Croissant, A. and Selge, T., 2016, “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Comparing Military (Non)-Cooperation During Authoritarian Regime Crises in the Arab World and Asia”. Military Engagement in Mobilizing Societies: Armies and the Arab Spring, ed. by Albrecht, H., A. Croissant and F. H. Lawson, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 97-124.
  • Albrecht, H., Croissant, A., and F. H. Lawson, 2016, “Introduction: Military Engagement in Mobilizing Societies: The Research Agenda”. Military Engagement in Mobilizing Societies: Armies and the Arab Spring, ed. by Albrecht, H., A. Croissant and F. H. Lawson, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1-7.
  • Croissant, A., 2015, “Country Report Nepal”. Bertelsmann Stiftung: Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2016.
  • Croissant, A., 2015, “Zivil-militärische Beziehungen“ (“Civil-Military Relations”), Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Handbook Comparative Politics), edited by M. Kneuer, H.-J. Lauth and G. Erdmann), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 783-797; DOI10.1007/978-3-658-02993-7_58-1
  • Croissant, A., 2015, “Regionalbericht: Asien-Ozeanien”, in Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2016, ed. by Bertelsmann Stiftung, Bertelsmann Verlag: Gütersloh.
  • Croissant, A., 2015 “Democratic Change and Civil-Military Relations in South Korea: Re-evaluation and implications for developing countries”, Korea and the World. Contemporary History and Implications (edited by Rhyu Sang-young and M. Jae Moon), Seoul: National Museum of Contemporary Korean History, 43-70.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2015, “The Military’s Role in Politics”, Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions (edited by J. Gandhi and R. Ruiz-Rufino), London: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A., 2015, “Quo Vadis Korean Democracy?”, EAF Policy Debates No.22, 
  • Wencker, T., Trinn, C., and Croissant, A., 2015 „Data Bases and Statistical Systems: Security and Conflict”. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 5. Oxford: Elsevier, 836-843
  • Croissant, A.,2015, “Southeast Asian militaries in the age of democratization: From ruler to servant?“ Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Democratization (edited by William Case), London: Routledge, 314-332.
  • Croissant, A., 2014,  “Militaries and Democracy in Southeast Asia“, Handbook of Southeast Asian Democratization (edited by W. Case), London: Routledge (planned for Spring 2014).
  • Croissant A., 2014, „Das Politische System Südkoreas“ (“The Political System of South Korea”), Politische Systeme in Ostasien (Political Systems of East Asia) (edited by C. Derichs and T. Heberer), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 3rd edition (forthcoming February 2014)
  • Croissant, A., 2014, “Regional Report on Asia and Oceania”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2014, (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh, accepted for publication, forthcoming.
  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, 2014, “The Military’s Role in Politics”, Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions (edited by J. Gandhi and R. Ruiz-Rufino), London: Routledge, accepted for publication, forthcoming Spring 2014.
  • Croissant, A. 2014, “Zivil-militärische Beziehungen“ (“Civil-Military Relations”), Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Handbook Comparative Politics), edited by M. Kneuer, H.-J. Lauth and G. Erdmann), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, accepted for publication.
  • Croissant, A., 2014, “Erbschaften der Vergangenheit“ („Legacies of the Past“),  Handbuch der Transformationsforschung (Handbook of Transformation Studies) (edited by Kollmorgen, R., W. Merkel, H.-J. Wagener), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag accepted for publication.
  • Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster, 2014, "Introduction”, Comparing autocracies in the early Twenty-first Century. Vol. 1: Unpacking Autocracies: Explaining Similarity and Difference, (edited by Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster), London: Routledge,
  • Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster, 2014, “Introduction”, Comparing autocracies in the early Twenty-first Century. Vol. 2: The Performance and Persistence of Autocracies, London: Routledge (edited by Croissant, A., S. Kailitz, P. Köllner and S. Wurster),
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes, 2014, “Introduction”, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 1, London: Routledge (edited by Croissant, A. and J. Haynes),
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes, 2014, “Introduction”, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 2, London: Routledge (edited by edited by Croissant, A., and J. Haynes),
  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes, 2014, “Introduction”, Twenty Years of Studying Democratization: Perspectives on Democratic Transformations and Democracy, vol. 3, London: Routledge (edited by A. Croissant J. Haynes),
  • Wencker, T., C. Trinn and A. Croissant, 2013, “Statistical Systems: Security and Conflict”, Encyclopedia of International Social and Behavioral Sciences (edited by Helmut Anheier), Los Angeles et al.: Sage, 2nd edition)
  • Croissant, A., 2014, “Regional Report on Asia and Oceania”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2014, (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh.
  • Betz, J., A. Croissant, A. and .U.K. Singh, 2013, “Country Report India”, Change Ahead? Governance in the BRICS (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A., S. Heilmann, Y. Huang, and D. Schmitt, 2013 “Country Report China” Change Ahead? Governance in the BRICS (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A., 2013, “Militärregime im Autokratievergleich und in der Demokratisierungsforschung – Befunde und Perspektiven der Forschung“, Parteien und Demokratie (edited by K. Armingeon), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Croissant, A., 2012, “Southeast Asia: A Laboratory for Transformation Research", Digital Development Debates, 2012(7), mation-research.html.
  • Croissant, A., 2012, “Regionalbericht Asien- und Ozeanien“, Bertelsmann Transformation Index (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), bericht_ASO.pdf
  • Croissant, A. and C. Trinn, 2011, “Democratic and Semi-Democratic Conflict Management in Southeast Asia”, Democracy and Violence. Global Debates and Local Challenges (edited by Schwarzmantel, J. and H. J. Krätzschmar, New York: Routledge.
  • Croissant, A. and P.W. Chambers, 2011, “A Contested Site of Memory: The Preah Vihear Temple”, Cultures and Globalization 4: Heritage, Memory, Identity (edited by Anheier, H. and R. Y. Isar), Los Angeles et al.: Sage Publications.
  • Croissant, A. and M. Bünte, 2011, “Introduction”, The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Southeast Asia (edited by Croissant, A and M. Bünte), Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave.
  • Croissant, A. and M. Bünte, 2011, “Conclusion”, The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Southeast Asia (edited by Croissant, A. and M. Bünte) Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave.
  • Croissant, A., 2011, “Types of Democracy in Southeast Asia and Democratic Consolidation”, The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Southeast Asia (edited by Croissant, A. and M. Bünte), Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave.
  • Croissant, A., P. Völkel and P.W. Chambers, 2011, “Democracy, the Military, and Security Sector Governance in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand”, The Crisis of Democratic Governance in Southeast Asia (edited by Croissant, A. and M. Bünte) Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave.
  • Croissant, A., A. Kaiser and C. Scott, 2011, “New Zealand report”, Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A., I. McAllister and R. Wilkins, 2011, “Australia report”, Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A. and T. Kalinowski, 2011, “South Korea report”, Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A., P. Köllner and W. Pascha, 2011, “Japan Report”, Sustainable Governance Indicators 2011 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung),
  • Croissant, A., 2011, “Wer bewacht die Wächter? Das Militär in Zeiten des politischen Umbruchs“, Ruperto Carola, 3, pp. 11-17.
  • Croissant, A., 2011, “Asien und Ozeanien”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2012 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Giersdorf, S. and A. Croissant, 2010, “Zivilgesellschaft und kompetitiver Autoritarismus in Malaysia“, Asien, 116 (July), pp. 80-103.
  • Croissant, A., 2010, “Democracy in Southeast Asia – An Assessment of Practices, Problems and Prospects”, Panorama, 2, pp. 19-41.
  • Croissant, A., P.W. Chambers and Thitinan Pongsudhirak, 2010, “Introduction”, Democracy Under Stress. Civil-military relations in Southeast and South Asia (edited by Chambers, P.W. and A. Croissant) Bangkok: ISIS.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Kuehn, 2010, “Civilian Control of the Military and Democracy: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives”, Democracy Under Stress. Civil-military relations in Southeast and South Asia (edited by Chambers, P.W. and A. Croissant) Bangkok: ISIS.
    • Reprint in: Schuck, C. (ed.), Security in a Changing Global Environment. Challenging the Human Security Approach, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Croissant, A. 2010, “Einleitung: Ostasien zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie“, Asien, 116 (July) pp. 16-21.
  • Croissant, A., 2010, “Staatlichkeit und Demokratie in Südostasien“, Globalisierung Süd. Leviathan Sonderheft 26 (edited by Paul, A., A. Pelfini and B. Rehbein), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Croissant, A. and W. Merkel, “2010, Die Demokratisierung in Ost- und Südostasien“, Systemtransformation (edited by W. Merkel), 2nd revised edition, Wiesbaden: UTB (first ed. 1999).
  • Croissant, A., 2010, “Regierungssysteme und Demokratietypen“, Vergleichende Regierungslehre. Eine Einführung (edited by. H.-J. Lauth), 3rd revised and updated edition, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (first ed. 2002, 2nd ed. 2006).
  • Croissant, A., 2009, “Asia and Oceania”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2010. Political Management in International Comparison (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • „Asien und Ozeanien“, Bertelsmann-Transformation-Index 2010 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2010.
  • Croissant, A. and P. Thiery, 2009, “Eroding Democracy or the Intransigence of Defective Democracy? Analyzing Democratic Transformations”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2010. Political Management in International Comparison (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
    • Reprint: “Erosion der Demokratie oder Beharrlichkeit defekter Demokratien? Eine Analyse des Verlaufs demokratischer Transformation“, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2010 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Croissant, A., 2009, “Analyse defekter Demokratien“, Analyse demokratischer Regierungssysteme. Festschrift für Wolfgang Ismayr (edited by K. Schrenk and M. Soldner), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.
  • Croissant, A. and C. Trinn, 2009, “Culture, Identity and Conflict in Asia and Southeast Asia”, Asien, 110 (January).
  • Croissant, A. and J. Faust, 2008, “Statehood and Governance: Challenges in Southeast Asia”, German Development Institute (DIE) Briefing Paper, 1, Bonn: DIE.
  • Croissant, A., 2008, “Das Politische System Südkoreas“, Die politischen Systeme Ostasiens (edited by C. Derichs and T. Heberer), 2nd updated edition, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (first ed. 2003).
  • Croissant, A. 2008, “Demokratisierungsforschung. Tradition und Innovation“, Politikwissenschaft in Heidelberg (edited by D. Nohlen and A. Mohr), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
  • Croissant, A., 2007, “Inner-Asian Fragilities“, Asia: Changing the World (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
    • Reprint: “Innerasiatische Fragilitäten“, Asien verändert die Welt (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Croissant, A., 2007, “Demokratisierungstrends in Asien: Befunde und Perspektiven“, Staat und Demokratie in Asien. Zur politischen Transformation einer Weltregion (edited by J. Dosch, M. Mols and R. Öhlschläger), Berlin: LIT Verlag.
  • Croissant, A. and N. Schwank, 2006, "Violence, Extremism and Transformation“, Violence, Extremism and Transformation (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Croissant, A. and S. Kneip, 2006, “Introduction. Politics and Violence in Southeast Asia in the Early Twenty-First Century”,, The Politics of Death. Political Violence in Southeast Asia (edited by A. Croissant, S. Kneip and B. Martin), Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., 2006, “Introduction”, Between Consolidation and Crisis. Elections and Democracy in Five Nations in Southeast Asia (edited by A. Croissant and B. Martin), Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., 2006, "Conclusion: Electoral Politics in Southeast Asia", Between Consolidation and Crisis. Elections and Democracy in Five Nations in Southeast Asia (edited by. A. Croissant and B. Martin), Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., 2006, “Asia and Oceania”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2006 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
    • Reprint: “Asien und Ozeanien”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2006 (edited by Berteslmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (in German).
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “The Prospects for Democratisation in Pacific Asia. Findings and Perspectives", The Pacific Challenge. Development Trends in the 21st Century (edited by M. Waibel and W. Kreisel) Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Asia and Oceania", Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2003 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
    • Reprint: “Asien und Ozeanien”, Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2003 (edited by Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (in German).
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Introduction to the Special Issue: Democracy, Market Economy, and the Political Management of Transformation in 119 Countries: The Findings of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2006“, Strategic Insights, 4(12),
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Can You Have One without the Other? Transformation towards Market Economy and Democracy in Asia and Oceania“, Strategic Insights, 4(12), 2005/Dec/croissant2Dec05.html.
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Regime Change and Violence: Political Violence, Extremism, and the Transformation to Democracy and Market Economy—Findings of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2006“, Strategic Insights, 4(12), Journal/2005/Dec/ croissant3Dec05.html.
  • Croissant, A. and D. Pojar Jr., 2005, “Quo Vadis Thailand? Thai Politics after the 2005 Parliamentary Election“, Strategic Insight, 4(6) /croissantJun05.asp.
  • Croissant, A., 2005, "Zivilgesellschaft in jungen Demokratien. Beispiele aus Ostasien", Neues Jahrbuch Dritte Welt 2005. Zivilgesellschaft (edited by J. Betz and W. Hein), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Croissant, A., 2004, "Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Politiken in jungen Demokratien: Ost- und Südostasien", Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Politik in jungen Demokratien (edited by. A. Croissant, G. Erdmann and F.W. Rüb), Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Croissant, A., 2003, "Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft in Ostasien", Nord-Süd Aktuell 17(2), Hamburg: Deutsches Übersee-Institut, pp. 239-261.
  • Merkel, W. and A. Croissant, 2003, "Liberale und defekte Demokratien", Herausforderungen der repräsentativen Demokratie (edited by. K. Schmitt), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Croissant, A., 2003, "Staat, Staatlichkeit und demokratische Transformation in Ostasien", Demokratie und Staatlichkeit. Systemwechsel zwischen Staatsreform und Staatskollaps (edited by P. Bendel, A. Croissant and F.W. Rüb), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 2003, "Aufholende Nachzügler? Sozialpolitik und Demokratisierung in Südkorea, Thailand und den Philippinen", WeltTrends, 39 (Summer), pp. 89-110.
  • Merkel, W. and A. Croissant, 2002, "Parties and Party Systems and Their Impact on Reunification and Democracy: Should Korea copy the German Way?", Constitutional Handbook on Korean Unification (edited by S.-H. Hwa, C.-I. Moon and J.-H. Roh), Seoul: Yonsei University Press.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia: A Comparative Perspective", Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia (edited by A. Croissant, G. Bruns and M. John), Singapore: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Electoral Politics in South Korea", Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia (edited by A. Croissant, G. Bruns and M. John), Singapore: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Introduction", Electoral Politics in Southeast and East Asia (edited by A. Croissant, G. Bruns and M. John), Singapore: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Electoral Systems in Asia as Elements of Consensus and Majoritarian Democracy: Comparing Seven Cases", Redefining Korean Politics. Lost Paradigm and New Vision (edited by Y.-R. Kim, H. Lee and I.-S. Mah), Seoul: Korean Political Science Association.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Strong Presidents, Weak Democracy? Presidents, Parliaments and Political Parties in South Korea", Korea Observer, 33(1), pp.1-45.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Die Zähmung der Widerspenstigen. Zivile Kontrolle und das Militär im demokratischen Südkorea", Koreaforum, 12(1), pp. 17-22.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Einleitung. Demokratische Grauzonen – Konturen und Konzepte eines Forschungszweigs", Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Zur Konzeption und Empirie demokratischer Grauzonen (edited by P. Bendel, A. Croissant and F.W. Rüb), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Staatlichkeit und liberale Demokratie im pazifischen Asien", Globalisierung und Regionalismus. Bewährungsproben fuer Staat und Demokratie in Asien und Lateinamerika (edited by P. Birle), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, "Systemwechsel – als Forschungsthema noch aktuell?", Osteuropastudien im Umbruch (edited by Osteuropa-Institut FU Berlin), Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut der FU Berlin.
  • Croissant, A., 2001, "Economic and Political Transformation in South Korea, Taiwan and Uruguay", in: Weidenfeld, Werner (ed.), Shaping Change – Strategies of Transformation, Volume I: Results of the International Survey, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers (with Hans-Jürgen Puhle and Eberhard Sandschneider).
  • Croissant, A., 2001, "Korea", in: Nohlen, Dieter/ Grotz, Florian/ Hartmann, Christof (eds.), Elections in Asia and the Pacific. A Data Handbook. Vol. II: South East Asia, East Asia, and the South Pacific, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Croissant, A., 2001 "Old Wine in New Bottlenecks? Elections in Thailand under the 1997 Constitution", Leeds East Asia Papers, 63, (with Jörn Dosch).
  • Croissant, A., 2001, "Strong Presidents, Weak Democracy? Problems of Democratic Consolidation in South Korea", in: Korean Economic Institute (ed., The Political Economy of Korean Reconciliation and Reform, Washington, D.C.: KEI.
  • Croissant, A., 2001, "Delegative Demokratie und Präsidentialismus in Südkorea und auf den Philippinen", WeltTrends, 29 (Winter), pp. 115-143.
    • Reprint: "Delegative Demokratie und Präsidentialismus in Südkorea und auf den Philippinen", in: Köllner, Patrick (ed.), Sozialwissenschaftliche Koreaforschung in Deutschland. Aktuelle Forschungsthemen, Personen und Publikationen, Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde.
  • Croissant, A. and P. Thiery, 2001, "Von defekten und anderen Demokratien", WeltTrends, 29 (Winter), pp. 9-33.
  • Croissant, A., H.-J. Puhle and E. Sandschneider, 2001, "Die wirtschaftliche und politische Transformation in Südkorea, Taiwan und Uruguay", Den Wandel gestalten – Strategien der Transformation, Band 1: Ergebnisse der internationalen Recherche (edited by W. Weidenfeld), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Croissant, A., 2001, "Südkorea", Den Wandel gestalten – Strategien der Transformation, Band 2: Dokumentationen der internationalen Recherche (edited by W. Weidenfeld), Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Calibrating Democracy for a Unified Korea", The Two Koreas in 2000: Sustaining Recovery and Seeking Reconciliation (edited by Korea Economic Institute), Washington, D.C.: KEI.
  • Croissant, A. and P. Thiery, 2000, "Defekte Demokratie. Konzept, Operationalisierung und Messung", Demokratiemessung. Konzepte und Befunde im internationalen Vergleich (edited by H.-J. Lauth, G. Pickel and C. Welzel), Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Von der Vetokammer zum deliberativen Organ? Die ersten Senatswahlen in Thailand", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 33(3), pp. 348-371.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Südkorea zwischen Demo-Krise und Demo-Prosperitaet? Die politischen Ursachen der 'IMF-Crisis'", Die ökonomische Dynamik politischer Herrschaft. Das pazifische Asien und Lateinamerika (edited by J. Dosch and J. Faust), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Wahlrechtsreform und politische Parteien. Das Wahlsystem als Instrument kurzfristiger Nutzenmaximierung und als überpartteiische Spielregel; Deutschland und Suedkorea im Vergleich", Journal of Legislation Research, 18, pp. 257-279.
  • Croissant, A., H.-J. Lauth and W. Merkel, 2000, "Zivilgesellschaft und Demokratie: ein internationaler Vergleich", Systemwechsel 5. Die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft (edited by W. Merkel), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Zivilgesellschaft und Transformation in Ostasien", ", Systemwechsel 5. Die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft (edited by W. Merkel), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 1999, "Mittelschichten und Systemwechsel in Mexiko und Südkorea", Mythos Mittelschichten. Zur Wiederkehr eines Paradigmas der Demokratieforschung (edited by B. Becker, J. Rüland and N. Werz), Bonn: Bouvier.
  • Croissant, A., 1999, "Wiedervereinigung und Demokratie in Korea", Koreaforum, 9(1), pp. 16-18.
  • Croissant, A., 1999, "Verbände und Verbändesysteme im Transformationsprozess. Ein zusammenfassender Vergleich", Systemwechsel 4. Die Rolle der Verbaende im Transformationsprozess (edited by. W. Merkel and E. Sandschneider), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 1998 "Demokratisierung und die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft in Südkorea, Taiwan und auf den Philippinen", Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 48 (November), pp. 25-34.
  • Croissant, A., M. Helbert and A. Madaus, 1997, "Demokratisierung der 'Kleinen Tiger'", Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 10(1), pp. 56-68.
  • Croissant, A., 1997, "Genese, Funktion und Gestalt von Parteiensystemen in jungen asiatischen Demokratien", Systemwechsel 3. Parteien im Transformationsprozess (edited by W. Merkel and E. Sanschneider), Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
  • Croissant, A., 1997, "Politische Transformation in Südkorea und der Beitrag der Zivilgesellschaft", Zivilgesellschaft im Transformationsprozess. Länderstudien zu Mittelost- und Südosteuropa, Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika und Nahost (edited by H.-J. Lauth and W. Merkel), Mainz: Institut für Politikwissenschaft.
  • Croissant, A., 1997, "Südkorea: Schwierigkeiten auf dem Weg zur konsolidierten Demokratie", Demokratie. Entwicklungsformen und Erscheinungsbilder im interkulturellen Vergleich (edited by G. Pickel, S. Pickel and J. Jacobs) Frankfurt & Bamberg.
  • Croissant, A., 1997, "Demokratisierung in Südkorea. Die Rolle der Gewerkschaften und Unternehmerverbände", Asien, 65 (October), pp. 5-22.
  • Croissant, A., 1994, "Die 'Aussenpolitiken' Südkoreas, Taiwans und Hongkongs im Blickwinkel der Pazifischen Kooperation", Kooperation im Pazifischen Raum (edited by Jutta Gardill), Mainz: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Abteilung: Politische Auslandsstudien und Entwicklungspolitik,  Dokumente und Materialien 20, pp. 33-53.


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  • Croissant, A., 2023, “From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia. By Dan Slater and Joseph Wong. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,” Perspectives on Politics, 21(4),
  • Croissant, A., 2021, “Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy. The Politics of Military Justice. By Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2021“, Perspectives on Politics.
  • Croissant, A., 2021, „Citizen support for democratic and autocratic regimes: by Marlene Mauk, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020“, Democratization 28(5).
  • Croissant, A., 2019, “Democracy in crisis. Why, where, how to respond: First Edition, by Roland Rich, Boulder, CO, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2017”, Democratization 26(7).
  • Croissant, A., n.d., “Book review of: Jeeyang Rhee 2011. Responsive Democracy: Increasing State Accountability in East Asia, The University of Michigan Press”. Accepted for publication in: Perspectives on Politics (no publication date confirmed).
  • Croissant, A., 2013, “Book Review of: Marcus Mietzner (ed.). 2011. The political resurgence of the military in Southeast Asia: Conflict and leadership. London: Routledge”. Accepted for publication in: South East Asia Review, Winter 2013, 705-709.
  • Croissant, A., 2013, “Book Review of: Thomas Brunea and Florina Cristiana Matei (eds.) 2012. The Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations, Routledge. Accepted for publication in:  e-International Relations,
  • Croissant, A., 2013, Book Review: “Kurzbesprechung Hans-Joachim Spanger (Hrsg), Der demokratische Unfrieden. Über das spannungsreiche Verhältnis zwischen Demokratie und innerer Gewalt, Baden-Baden 2012 (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft); Nicolas Rost, Trapped in a Vicious Circle. Authoritarianism, Repression, and Civil War, Baden-Baden, 2012 (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)“, in: Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie (edited by U. Backes, A. Gallus and E. Jesse), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 416-417.
  • Croissant, A,. 2012, Book Review: “Kurzbesprechung: Heinrich Berger, Mellanie Dejnega, Regina Fritz und Alexander Prenninger (Hrsg.), Politische Gewalt und Machtausübung im 20. Jahrhundert. Zeitgeschichte, Zeitgeschehen und Kontroversen. Festschrift für Gerhard Botz / Christian Gerlach, Extrem gewalttätige Gesellschaften. Massengewalt im 20. Jahrhundert, München“, in: Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie (edited by U. Backes, A. Gallus and E. Jesse), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Croissant, A. 2012, “Kurzbesprechung: Heinrich Berger, Mellanie Dejnega, Regina Fritz und Alexander Prenninger (Hrsg.), Politische Gewalt und Machtausübung im 20. Jahrhundert. Zeitgeschichte, Zeitgeschehen und Kontroversen. Festschrift für Gerhard Botz / Christian Gerlach, Extrem gewalttätige Gesellschaften. Massengewalt im 20. Jahrhundert, München“, in: Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie (edited by U. Backes, A. Gallus and E. Jesse), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Croissant, A., 2010, “Book Review: How East Asians View Democracy, edited by Chu, Yun-Han/Diamond, Larry/Nathan, Andrew J./ Shin, Doh Chull, 2008, New York: Columbia University Press”, Perspectives on Politics, 8(3), pp. 906-908.
  • Croissant, A., 2007, "Book Review: Gallus, Alexander (ed.), Deutsche Zäsuren“, Extremismus & Demokratie, Jahrbuch 2007, pp. 389-392.
  • Croissant, A., 2005, “Book Review: Gan, Steven/Gomez, James/Johannen, Uwe (eds.): Asian Cyberactivism. Freedom of Expression and Media Censorship, Singapore/ Hong Kong: Friedrich Naumann Foundation, 2004; and Johannen, Uwe/ Smith, Alan/Gomez, James (eds.), September 11 & Political Freedom. Asian Perspectives, Singapore: Select Publishing, 2003”, Democratization, 12(1), pp. 130-133.
  • Croissant, A., 2004, "Sammelbesprechung: Demokratie in Ostasien", Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 45(1) pp.144-159.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, „Book Review: Sander, Ingvar/ Reinecke, Gerhard (eds.), Thailand: Aktuelle Wandlungsprozesse in Politik, Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Gesellschaft", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 35(1) pp. 165-170.
  • Croissant, A., 2002, „Book Review: Beez, Peter: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Südkorea: Wachstum als Folge eines Reformprozesses. Eine polit- und institutionenökonomische Interpretation", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 35(1), pp.157-162.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, “Book Review: Rose, Richard/Mishler, William/Härpfer, Christian: Democracy and its Alternatives. Understanding Post-Communist Societies", Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 41(2), pp. 158-160.
  • Croissant, A., 2000, "Book Review: Bünte, Marco: "Probleme der demokratischen Konsolidierung in Thailand", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 34(1), pp. 126-130.
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