Award in the Field of Desert Research
19 October 2016
Bernhard Eitel receives award from Geological Society of America for research into environmental history of deserts

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel has been honored by the Geological Society of America (GSA) for his pioneering research on the environmental history of deserts. A physical geographer, he received the Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research, the probably most important award in this field. With the award, worth USD 10 000, the GSA honored Prof. Eitel’s investigation of the interaction between humans and the environment in the arid zones of southern Africa, Peru and China. Bernhard Eitel, President of Heidelberg University, was appointed professor at Heidelberg University in 2001 and took over the chair of Physical Geography. Besides arid regions, his areas of research include the geomorphology, soil geography and geo-ecology, along with geo-archeology. The award ceremony took place on 27 September 2016 during the annual meeting of the GSA in Denver, Colorado.