Heidelberg University Supports “March for Science”
5 April 2017
Initiative for Research and Science on 22 April in Heidelberg

Heidelberg supports the March for Science and thereby the worldwide initiative for independent science and an open societal discussion on the basis of verifiable, solid facts. Prof. Dr Bernhard Eitel, president of Heidelberg University, invites all the members of the university to attend a demonstration on Saturday 22 April in Heidelberg. Prof. Eitel: “The constitutionally protected freedom of research and teaching, knowledge on the basis of scientific methods and open discussion are indispensable for a democratic society and political decision-making. We intend to stand up for these values together.”
As the oldest university in Germany and one of the most research-intensive in Europe, Heidelberg University is particularly committed to freedom of research and teaching due to its influence throughout history. SEMPER APERTUS – always open – is the motto with which Heidelberg University also professes its responsibility for a knowledge-based dialogue with society and the world of politics.
Actions have so far been planned in fifteen German cities. In Heidelberg the march will start at 3pm from Friedrich Ebert Square and lead through the main street (Hauptstraße). It will conclude with a rally at University Square.