Official Opening Ceremony of Mathematikon
30 November 2015

Visualisation: Architects Bernhardt + Partner
Mathematicians and computer scientists at Heidelberg University will be able to teach and conduct research together under one roof in the future, instead of being spread across various locations. The institutes and facilities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) will share a home in the Mathematikon, after its three-year construction. The building is owned by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), which will officially hand over Wing A to the university and the state of Baden-Württemberg at the opening ceremony on 11 December 2015. Baden-Württemberg Minister of Science, Theresia Bauer, will attend. Gerda Tschira will commemorate the dedication in honor of her late husband.
The Mathematikon features two wings, with Wing A offering faculty and IWR students and researchers six storeys of much needed space. The approx. 10,000 square meters will house institute offices, classrooms, seminar and work group rooms, a lecture hall and the faculty library. Special areas are also planned for large-capacity computers, IT rooms and the robotics laboratory. Until now, the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing were spread out over seven buildings. Now that they will be under one roof, they expect research, teaching and scientific communication to intensify, creating an essential foundation for success. The Mathematikon Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG has set up laboratory and office areas on the top floor of the five storey Wing B, primarily for use by university-affiliated tenants. Wing B’s ground floor offers retail and commercial space for new shops and restaurants to be enjoyed by occupants, students and visitors alike. Revenue from the leases will enable the Klaus Tschira Stiftung to support other non-profit projects.
Heidelberg University President, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel, will commence the ceremony. Science Minister Theresia Bauer and Ministerial Director of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance and Economy, Rolf Schumacher, will then address the audience before turning the podium over to Gerda Tschira. The executive board of the Klaus Tschira Stiftung will then officially hand over the key to the new building to the President of Ruperto Carola and to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Michael Gertz. The ceremony will be brought to a close by Lord Mayor Dr. Eckart Würzner of the city of Heidelberg.
The German foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung was created in 1995 by the physicist Klaus Tschira (1940 - 2015). The foundation promotes the advancement of natural sciences, mathematics and computer science and wants to raise appreciation in these fields. The Foundation’s commitments begin in the kindergartens and continue at primary and secondary schools, universities and research facilities. The Foundation champions new methods of scientific knowledge transfer and supports both development and intelligible presentation of research findings. The Klaus Tschira Stiftung pursues its objectives by conducting projects of its own, but also awards subsidies upon application and positive assessment.