Heidelberg, Paris, Prague and Warsaw Build European University Alliance
21 March 2018

Four strong European research universities - Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Heidelberg University (Germany), Sorbonne University in Paris (France) and the University of Warsaw (Poland) - have founded a strategic European partnership, built on existing academic collaborations. This European University Alliance “4EU” aims to create a new quality of cooperation in research, teaching, education and administration and to establish the appropriate infrastructure which will bring together researchers, students and staff. The presidents of the four universities signed a corresponding declaration in Paris on Saturday, 10 March 2018.
The cooperation is based on a common understanding of the idea of the European university that builds on academic freedom and autonomy and ensures fair access to education. This Alliance will step up the cooperation and optimise the environment for creativity in teaching and learning, as well as in research and innovation. It will remove obstacles to free circulation of individuals, ideas and best practices. The four universities see the Alliance as their responsibility for making a common effective contribution to solving important societal challenges for Europe and beyond.