Call for Proposals
Funding of Core Facilities
Any member of the Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences institutions (Faculties of Biosciences Heidelberg, Faculties of Medicine Heidelberg and Mannheim, as well as DKFZ, EMBL, MPI-mF) is eligible to submit funding application.
For successful proposals, it is mandatory to provide a detailed implementation plan for the envisaged technology, including a valid quotation as well as a long-term perspective for successful operation, and an accessible website. Furthermore, the add-on value of the specific measure for the entire HMLS research community has to be documented. Proposals also have to consider the sustainability aspect, i.e. how will the new technology platform or the new instrument or service operates after the funding. Funding for room, construction, and maintenance costs is not offered by HMLS and has to be provided by applicant(s).
All submitted proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the HMLS Research Council. Deadline for submission has expired. We will inform you about future calls on this website or via email. If you should have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the HMLS Project Management Office at + 49 (0) 6221-54 51201 or
Support for Initiating Interdisciplinary HMLS Research Activities
It is one of the primary goals of HMLS in Field of Focus 1 to promote the initiation of novel interdisciplinary research activities, such as graduate colleges, SPPs and SFBs, to harness the broad synergy potential on the Heidelberg Campus. During the planning phase, these initiatives require a number of measures, ranging from drafting pre-proposals to organizing start-up meetings with international participation. The research council will support these initiatives by providing funds for employment of secretary staff, travel costs for kick-off meetings and related activities. Proposals may be submitted by members of the Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences institutions. Funding decision will be made by the Research Council.
Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences Investigator Award
Jan Korbel (EMBL) and Stefan Pfister (Heidelberg University Hospital) received the 2018 HMLS Award.
The annual Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences (HMLS) Investigator Award is awarded to an outstanding scientist who is actively engaged in Life Science research in Heidelberg. The award recognizes excellence in two allied areas: research and strategic development in the Life Sciences in Heidelberg. Nominees are eligible for this program if they have succeeded in initiating innovative actions to foster scientific career development of undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and Postdocs.
Potential candidates may be proposed by members of the Molecular Life Sciences institutions (Faculty of Biosciences Heidelberg, Faculties of Medicine Heidelberg and Mannheim, DKFZ, EMBL, MPI-mF). Application of the award on one's own behalf is not admissible. The recipient will be selected by the HMLS Research Council.
MMPU Fellowships
In the framework of the Heidelberg Research Center for Molecular Medicine (HRCMM) of the Excellence Initiative, the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU) is offering fellowships of two years on a regular basis.
This Fellowship is awarded for a period of 17-18 months to early career clinician scientists undergoing medical specialist training with a strong interest in molecular medicine research topics. The fellows will be integrated within the clinical setting of the Medical Faculty and conduct their research in collaboration with an EMBL/MMPU group.
Further information about the application process and documents can be found at the MMPU webpage [Homepage]
Access to Technology Platforms
Call for Proposals