
Department 6.4 Excellence Strategy
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg
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Research Councils

Each Field of Focus has a Research Council. This body serves in an advisory capacity in financial matters, in integrating new instruments for networking interdisciplinary research as well as advancing junior researchers and adjusting them to the various disciplinary cultures.


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Fields of Focus

Interdisciplinary dialogue is of particular importance in Heidelberg’s institutional strategy, “Heidelberg: Realising the Potential of a Comprehensive University”. In the first funding phase of the Excellence Initiative, four main areas of research, the Fields of Focus, have emerged on which interdisciplinary research cooperation would concentrate. These four interactive fields are to be advanced even further during the second funding period as the core of Heidelberg’s research strategy.

Through the Fields of Focus, a major part of the university’s research and teaching endeavours can be united around a topic and individually supported. The successful projects of the other two funding lines of the Excellence Initiative, the Clusters of Excellence and the graduate schools, will also be integrated into these main areas of research. In so doing, the continuing institutional strategy is aimed at giving the fields of focus the necessary infrastructure for effective advancement and ensuring profitable connections with the rich institutional research environment around Heidelberg University. The Fields of Focus will thus become strategic instruments for the further development of Heidelberg as a comprehensive university.


Field of Focus 1: Molecular and cellular basis of life

Field of Focus 2: Structure and pattern formation in the material world

Field of Focus 3: Cultural dynamics in globalised worlds

Field of Focus 4: Self-regulation and regulation: individuals and organisations

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2018-12-03
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