Prof. Dr. Daniel Winkler
Vita & Research Foci
Daniel Winkler is since 2021 Professor at the Seminar for Romance Studies at Heidelberg University, where he teaches Italian and French Literature, Cinema and Culture. He was Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna and Lecturer at the University of Innsbruck. He completed extended research stays in Marseille and Turin and wrote his PhD thesis on Marseille as a cinematic city and his Postdoctoral project on Italian tragedy in the Age of Enlightenment. His Postdoctoral thesis was awarded the Elise-Richter-Preis of the DRV and the University of Innsbruck's Otto-Seibert-Preis. Daniel Winkler was Research Fellow at the École normale supérieure and the Institut historique allemand in Paris, at the IZEA in Halle and the Dresden University of Technology. He has co-edited and published more than 20 books and special issues and more than 60 articles.
The focus of Daniel Winkler's working group is on the question of the societal role and affective relevance of literature and media with an emphasis on Italy and France, the Mediterranean region, the Alps and Canada. In terms of Romance Media Cultural Studies, this means not only a theoretical and cultural-historical contextualisation of representations, but also their concrete formal-aesthetic, affect-poetic and media-specific analysis. This implies a critically distanced reflection of one’s own approaches, personal positions and ideological contemporary trends in identity politics, into which students shall gain their own insight. At the same time, in the sense of the societal mission of foreign language philologies as teaching subjects, this area of research strives to dovetail teaching with cultural, educational and academic practice, as well as to critically bring it into perspective against the backdrop of the increasing political and bureaucratic functionalisation and economisation of these areas. See my blogs Cinéphilie and Literaturästhetik & Theaterkultur, where student film reviews and sample papers are published, among other things.
Current Projects
2024- Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1671), Sub-project Visual Ciphers of Home (with Henry Keazor, Alexandra Vinzenz)
2022- Master Project Popular Cultures (with Henry Keazor, Andrea Albrecht, Alexandra Vinzenz)
2022- DFG research grant Luis Trenker – (Dis-)Continuities of a Transalpine Media Brand
2022- Leo Spitzer Lecture (with Herle Jessen, LMU)
2022- Blogs Cinéphile and Literary Aesthetics & Theater Culture (with Larissa Wilwert, Simon Steiner et al.)
2010- Annual Graduate Workshops in Italian, Canadian and Romance Studies (with Sybille Große, Cora Rok, Sabine Schrader et al.)
Organisational Functions & Activities
2024- Head of the Board of Studies MA Classical and Modern Literary Studies
2023-24 Executive Director of the Department of Romance Studies (2024- Deputy Director)
2023- Contact Person for the Cultural Studies part of the bi-national MA Études transculturelles (Heidelberg-Montpellier)
2023- Contact Person for the TRK Theatre in the Romanesque cellar
2022/24- Advisory Board of the Graduate Academy and the School of Education (22-24) of Heidelberg University
2021-23 Evaluation Panel Humanities of the Swiss National Science Foundation
2014/16-23 Co-Editor of the Journals lettere aperte and Zibaldone
Publications (► Complete List of Publications & Downloads)
Peer-reviewed Articles (selection)
(in print) Sophonisbe, das funesto fine und die Nation. Auf- und Abschwung eines Opern- und Tragödienstoffs im langen 18. Jahrhundert, in: Artes. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Künste der frühmodernen Welt 4/5
(in print) High and Low. Porosity in the Neapolitan Anthology Film 'The Vesuvians' (I vesuviani, 1997), in: Kamaal Haque/Christian Quendler/Caroline Schaumann Ed., Global Mountain Cinema. Edinburgh: University Press
2024 'À l’attaque!' Robert Guédiguian’s Meta-referential Cinema of Mediterranean Friendship and Solidarity, in: French Forum 48/2. 243-261.
2023 The Primetime Television Series 'Luftsprünge' (1969-70): Luis Trenker and Transnational Bergfernsehen, in: Colloquia Germanica 56/4. 341-351 (with Andreas Ehrenreich)
2023 The 'pensée de midi' Revisited. Mediterranean Connectivity between Paul Arène, Albert Camus, and Louis Brauquier, in: Steffen Schneider et al. Ed., Sea of Literatures. Towards a Theory of Mediterranean Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter. 299-316 (with Sophia Schnack)
2021 Mobile Bildinventare in Jean-François Regnards Pastiche 'La Provençale', in: Mobile Culture Studies 6. 219-240
2020 Aging, Auteurism and the 'Bergfilm': Olivier Assayas’s 'Sils Maria/ Clouds of Sils Maria' (2014) and Paolo Sorrentino’s 'La giovinezza/ Youth' (2015), in: Journal of Film and Video 72/3-4. 73-89 (with Christian Quendler)
2020 Intermediale Strategien in Jakob Brossmanns 'Lampedusa im Winter' (2015) und Gianfranco Rosis 'Fuocoammare' (2016), in: Romanische Forschungen 132/2. 193-219
2017 A Mediterranean Gap in the National Canon? Paul Carpita’s Anti-Colonial Cinema between Militant Amateurism and New Wave, in: Studies in French Cinema 1/17. 21-43
2015 'Alzire, ou Les Américains' de Voltaire et le théâtre 'sensible' dans le contexte transeuropéen, in: Dalhousie French Studies. Revue d’études littéraires du Canada atlantique 106. 47-62
2015 'Mambo Italiano' in Montreal. Theatrical Italianità in Émile Gaudreault’s Transnational Queer Comedy, in: lettere aperte 2. 45-55 (with Sabine Schrader)
2016 Körper, Revolution, Nation. Vittorio Alfieri und das republikanische Tragödienprojekt der Sattelzeit. Wilhelm Fink (peer-reviewed)
2013 Marseille! Eine Metropole im filmischen Blick. Schüren (revised second edition)
2007 Transit Marseille. Filmgeschichte einer Mittelmeermetropole. Transcript
2001 Repräsentationsformen der Pariser Banlieue der 90er Jahre zwischen Dokumentation und Konstruktion: Bertrand & Nils Taverniers Dokumentarfilm ‚De l’autre côté du périph’‘ und Tahar Ben Jellouns Erzählung 'Les raisins de la galère', in: Sammelpunkt. Elektronisch archivierte Theorie
Co-edited Volumes
(in print) Cultures populaires postcoloniales (= HeLix, with Christoph Vatter)
2024 Luis Trenker. Edition text + kritik (= Film-Konzepte 73, with Sophia Mehrbrey)
2023 Armut und Reichtum in Italien. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 74, with Cora Rok)
2023 'Provinz' in Serie. Regionalität und Glokalität in seriellen Erzählungen und TV-Serien seit der Moderne (= HeLix 15, with Veronica Camarero Garcia, Teresa Hiergeist)
2022 Neapel als intermediale Bühne. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 72, with Sabine Schrader)
2021 Italienisch-österreichische Verflechtungen. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 70)
2020 Rijeka/Fiume. Italien und Kroatien. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 68, with Marijana Erstic)
2019 Matera und die Basilikata. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 66)
2018 Geschlechterinszenierungen. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 64)
2018 Serialität und Moderne. Feuilleton, Stummfilm, Avantgarde. Transcript (with Ingo Pohn-Lauggas, Martina Stemberger)
2017 Gegenwartstheater aus Italien. Stauffenburg (= Zibaldone 62)
2015 Italienisches Theater. Geschichte und Gattungen von 1480 bis 1890. Theater der Zeit (with Sabine Schrader, Gerhild Fuchs)
2015 Italo-America. Transatlantic Connections and Italian Cultural Studies (= lettere aperte 2, with Sabine Schrader)
2014 Prospettive e polemiche per lo studio della letteratura italiana (= lettere aperte 1, with Fabien Kunz-Vitali)
2014 TV glokal. Europäische Fernsehserien und transnationale Qualitätsformate. Schüren (with Sabine Schrader)
2013 The Cinemas of Italian Migration. European and Transatlantic Narratives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (with Sabine Schrader)
2013 Marseille und die Provence. Eine literarische Einladung. Wagenbach
2010 Strategien des Entziehens. Löcker (with Karin Harrasser, Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah et al.)
2009 Apropos Canada/À propos du Canada. Fünf Jahre Graduiertentagungen der Kanada-Studien. Peter Lang (with Eugen Banauch et al.)
2008 Alpine Avantgarden und urbane Alpen. Löcker (with Karin Harrasser, Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah et al.)
2007 Montréal – Toronto. Stadtkultur und Migration in Literatur, Film und Musik. Weidler (with Verena Berger, Peter Kirsch)
2001 Exil in/aus der Romania. Beispiele aus dem 20. Jahrhundert (= QVR 17, with Anke Gladischefski)