Heidelberg University Corporate Design
The university’s corporate design is key to its consistent image, making it immediately recognizable to those outside the university and giving its members something unique with which they can identify. Publications, the website, information and image materials and all business documents need to use a standard and distinguishable design concept that clearly reflects the university’s self-image. Over the long term, presenting a consistent image to those inside and outside the university is essential to creating the institution’s corporate spirit and corporate culture. The basic components of Heidelberg University’s corporate design are its word and design mark, corporate colour and typeface, and design system.
Word and design mark
The logo consists of three elements: Image mark (seal), separating line, and word mark. These elements are used in a prescribed combination. The image mark emphasises the traditional, yet is contrasted by the modern, upper-case word mark, “Universität Heidelberg”, and the statement “Zukunft seit 1386”.
The red in the seal background is the corporate colour, with the russet tone used around the border only. Combined, these colour values suggest the traditional colour of oxblood, revitalised and strengthened in the image of Heidelberg University.
The display type is Trade Gothic LT Std. The typeface is clean and modern and the contrast-rich combination of bold and light face creates a striking brand element for the university, particularly in capitalised headlines.
Design system
The dimensions of the seal dictate the design grid for all media. They define the placement of all other elements, including those of additional originators. The university’s logo is always located at the top right. The protection zone around the logo and the formatting of the headers are determined by the seal.