Family-Friendly University Re-auditing successfully completed

Heidelberg University’s status as “family-friendly“ university confirmed

logo family-friendly universityIn November 2010, Heidelberg University was certified as a “family-friendly“ university for the first time. In 2017, the re-auditing process took place, in which the current objectives and measures were evaluated by berufundfamilie gGmbH and new goals for the years 2017-20 were formulated within the scope of workshops.

The certificate is awarded by berufundfamilie gGmbH, an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation, to universities and colleges that pursue a family-friendly personnel policy and create a work environment for employees, researchers and students that guarantees a balance between work/study and family life.

  • Measures of the re-auditing

    Following the audit, a catalogue of objectives was compiled including 51 measures in eight fields of action. To meet the various needs of university employees, numerous stakeholders and parties from all areas of Heidelberg University took part in the process.

The eight fields of action:

  • Work, research and study time
  • Work, research and study organisation
  • Work, research and study location
  • Information and communication
  • Leadership competence
  • Personnel development and academic qualification
  • Payment components, nonmonetary perquisites and funding for students
  • Services for families


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Latest Revision: 2017-06-22
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