heiDOCS - Doctoral Students' Portal

Poto: istockphoto.com / skodonnell
With approximately 1,300 doctorates per year, Heidelberg University is one of the most attractive centres for doctoral training in Germany, also among international junior researchers. More than 20 percent of doctorates are written by international candidates - one of the highest numbers in Germany.
Doctorates at Heidelberg University
In principle, doctorates can be written in all subjects offered by Heidelberg University. Heidelberg University is proud to offer a wide range of doctorate programmes with a very divers level of structuring - individual doctoral training, as well as small and medium sized training groups or large graduate schools..
Online Doctoral File
The Online Doctoral File within heiDOCS portal accompanies Heidelberg doctoral candidates throughout their whole research phase - from registration to the publication of the doctoral thesis and graduation. Registered doctoral candidates can access the content and functions in their electronic doctorate file at any time via the heiDOCS portal.
The consulting team of the Graduate Academy Service Centre is happy to assist and advise doctoral candidates from all disciplines on a wide variety of topics.
Graduate Academy Service Centre
Individual language advice in German and English
Endnote and Citavi – Software Programs for Managing References and Bibliographies
Information Brochures for Doctoral Candidates
Career Development
The Graduate Academy offers their doctoral candidates a seminar programme tailored to thier needs and a wide variety of further education.
Graduate Academy Seminar Programme
Portal for Further Education (Ger)
Through individual and personal advice, Heidelberg Universtiy helps doctoral candidates find funding for their doctoral project.
Excellent Support for Junior Researchers
Heidelberg graduate schools provide structured doctoral programmes that offer excellent specialist training with interdisciplinary teaching, advisory and other services built in to create the ideal environment for successful qualification of young researchers.
Living in Heidelberg
Heidelberg has a very high standard of living. The city and region offer an excellent variety of leisure activities, including culture, sports and cuisine.