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All Nobel Laureates

Heidelberg Nobel Laureates and National Socialism

Heidelberg Nobel Laureates Affiliated with National Socialism

In accordance with the decision of the Nobel Prize Committee in Stockholm, Heidelberg University understands that it cannot rescind the Nobel Prize from laureates based on their affiliation with or open support for National Socialism. Likewise, the university cannot deny the receipt of the prizes by these individuals, nor remove their names from any list of laureates. Rather, the university sees its task as not only documenting these receipts, but also documenting the political activities of the laureates without any prevarication or extenuation. This is to help keep us aware of the sinister connection between elements of the scientific world and the Nazi regime.

This is directly connected to the university’s overall goal of casting light on the inseparable joining of scientific endeavour and social responsibility, as detailed in the university’s 2008 institutional concept.

Note: The representations of Heidelberg laureates have been verified in consultation with university historians and the university archive.

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Latest Revision: 2011-07-26
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