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Annual Report
Distinguished Researchers
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Research Performance Indicators

11 Nobel Laureates

The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901 for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. 11 Professors of Heidelberg University have been awarded a Nobel Prize since the award has been established. [More ...]


19 Leibniz Award Laureates

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation is the most prestigious research award in Germany. Nineteen of the recipients were, or still are, researchers at Heidelberg University at the time the prize was awarded. [More ...]


56 ERC Grants

The European Research Council (ERC) supports out­standing scientists in order to advance frontier research and visionary projects and to open up new inter­dis­ci­plin­ary fields of knowledge. Among its lines of funding are the ERC Starting Grant, the ERC Consolidator Grant and the ERC Advanced Grant. [More ...]



DFG funded Research Projects (currently running)

27 Collaborative Research Cen­tres (DFG) [More...]
12 Research Training Groups (DFG) [More...]
12 Research Units (DFG) [More...]


EU Joint Research Projects

  • EIT Health
  • Human Brain Project



Excellence Strategy

Two Clusters of Excellence

  • 3D Matter Made to Order
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Latest Revision: 2019-05-27
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