Fellow-Klasse 2021-2022 Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius
Arbeitsvorhaben am Marsilius-Kolleg
Building robust communities: embracing complexity and diversity?
Robustness is the ability, for a community, to withstand or overcome adverse conditions. Whereas what defines and makes communities robust is studied in different disciplines, there are few interdisciplinary approaches aiming at comparing how, across scales, similarities in building robust communities exist. Here, we propose to form a team to identify whether there are commonalities and differences in the way communities as seen by a biologist (molecules, cells, organisms), an ethnologist (structured social groups, cities) and an economist (rational economic actors) achieve a robust organisation to ensure their cohesion and function in face of disruptive events. Our work will focus on the advantages/disadvantages of diversity and complex connectivity for the emergence of a robust community. We will examine these concepts in state-of-the-art work within our selected fields, consider the limits and potential of these concepts and compare them across disciplines. While this project has connections to the flashship initiative Transforming Cultural Heritage, it also links, albeit secondarily, to the Engineering Molecular System one.

- Südasien, vor allem Indien und Nepal
- Stadtethnologie im Globalen Süden, Medien und Visuelle Ethnologie, Mittelklasse und Neoliberalisierung, Jugend und Hohes Alter in Südasien
- zeitgenössische Kunst im Globalen Süden
- Placemaking und Kulturerbe (v.a. Aktivismus, Dokumentation, im/materiell; Zerstörung)
- Hindunationalismus; Emotion und Populismus: Romantische Liebe in Indien
- Gender; Migration/Diaspora
- Kolonialismus und Film im Südpazifik
- Since May 2021: Speaker, Flagship Initiative Tranforming Cultural Heritage
- Co-Speaker, Excellence Initiative ‘Sharing Cultures’
- since March 2020: Member Advisory Board of HeiUP
- 2014 – 2015: project leader of Mobile spaces: Urban everday practices from a transcultural perspective, FoF3 - Cultural Dynamics in Globalised Worlds
- 2012-2018: Speaker Research Area B 'Public Spheres' , Cluster of Excellence 'Asia and Europe in a Global Context'
- since 2009: Full Professur (W3) ‘Visual and Media Anthropology’
- 02/2008: Habilitation, Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies (HD). Venia Legendi in Cultural Anthropology
- since 2005: Head subproject A4 ‚Agency and Territorial Rituals in India’, Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 619 ‚Dynamics of Rituals’
- 2002-2009: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, SAI HD
- 2000-2002: Research Fellow, Institute of Theatre Studies, Gutenberg-University, Mainz, SPP ‘Theatricality -Theatre as cultural model in the comparative cultural sciences’
- 05/2000: Ph.D. Comparative Social and Cultural Anthropology, Europe-University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Prof. Werner Schiffauer
- 1994-1995: Scholarship School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Ausgewählte Publikationen
2017. Breaking Views. Engaging Art in Post-Earthquake Nepal. Kathmandu: Himal Books/Social Science Baha |
2010. India’s Middle Class. New Forms of Urban Leisure, Consumption and Prosperity. New Delhi, London, New York: Routledge (reprint January 2014). Edited volumes |
2020. ed. w. Roberta Mandoki. Caring for Old Age. Perspectives from South Asia. Heidelberg: Transculturality Series HeiUP |
2019 w. Laila Abu-Er-Rub, Sebastian Meurer, Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, Susan Richter (eds.). Engaging Transculturality. Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies. London: Routledge |
2018 Reprint of Ritual, Heritage and Identity. The Politics of Culture and Performance in a Globalised World. 1° 2015. Edited with Karin Polit. New Delhi: Routledge |
2017 Special Section 'In Conversation': "Heritage Dynamics in Times of Crisis". Journal of Material Religion. The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief. With contributions by Katharina Weiler, Marlène Harles & Sheelasha Rajbhandari, Axel Michaels & Manik Bajracharya, Davide Torri: 377-390 |
2021 “Art as Participation, Gift and Resource: Nepali artists’ engagement in post- earthquake Kathmandu Valley”, in Epicentre to Aftermath. Rebuilding and remembering in the wake of |
Nepal’s earthquakes, edited by Michael Hutt, Mark Liechty, Stefanie Lotter. Delhi: Cambridge University Press: 308-340 (ISBN 978-1-108-83405-6) |
2020 “smART city - turbulent city. Artistic Engagements with Urban Ecologies in Delhi”, in Communicative Cities and Urban Space, edited by Scott McQuire and Sun Wei, Routledge London (ISBN 9780367515607) |
2020. with Axel Michaels. "Vernacular Heritage as Urban Place-Making. Activities and Positions in the Reconstruction of Monuments after the Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal, 2015-2020: The Case of Patan". In a special issue on The Uses of Heritage in Post-Disaster Reconstruction, edited by Peter Larkham and David Adams, in Sustainability. |
2020. "Kulturerbe als urbane Ressource für lokale Partizipation - ein ethnologischer Blick auf Bangkok, Dehli und Kathmandu". in Die Stadt von Morgen, Ulrike Gerhard and Editha Marquardt (eds.). Heidelberg: HeiUP: 53-67. |
2019 "Nach der Katastrophe. Warum Kulturerbe dokumeniert werden muss". Ruperto Carola Forschungsmagazin Sonderausgabe Kultur/Natur, 15 (Dezember): 70-79 |
Prof. Dr. Christiane brosius
Fakultät für Verhaltens- und Empirische Kulturwissenschaften
Heidelberger Centrum für Transkulturelle Studien
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
E-Mail: brosius@hcts.uni-heidelberg.de