Fellow-Klasse 2019-2020 Prof. Dr. Timo Goeschl
Arbeitsvorhaben am Marsilius-Kolleg
Tipping Points at the Verge of Decision-Making Processes in Biology and Economics
Tipping points are implied in every process where small perturbations lead to dramatic changes. These processes range from climate changes, to changes in consumers choice, to epidemics or break down of financial markets. Yet, there is little to no common understanding of the shared overarching principles governing tipping points in these very different systems, as well as of their unique aspects. The proposed project aims at addressing tipping points at play in biology and economics by commonly describing them through mathematical modelling. Developed models of tipping points dynamics in these system shall facilitate the predictability, and thus, manipulation of the decision-making process. This interdisciplinary approach should advance our knowledge of tipping points in biology and economics but also in other areas of our lives.

- Umweltökonomik
- Ressourcenökonomik
- Verhaltensökonomik
- Innovationsökonomik
Akademische Qualifikationen
- 2000 Ph.D., Economics, University of Cambridge, UK
- 1995 Mag.rer.soc.oec. in Economics, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
- 1994 Master of Arts, Economics, University of Notre Dame, USA
Akademische Positionen
- 2015 Ruf auf die Professur für Climate Change Economics & Policy an der Univ. of Cambridge (abgelehnt)
- Seit 2011 Research Associate, Center for European Economic Research – ZEW, Mannheim
- Seit 2011 Adjunct Professor, ESSEC, Paris and Mannheim Business School
- 2009 Ruf auf den André-Hoffmann Chair in Environmental Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva (abgelehnt)
- Seit 2005 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Umweltökonomik, Universität Heidelberg
- 2003 – 2005 Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin – Madison
- 2000 – 2003 University Lecturer, University of Cambridge
- 1998 – 2000 Research Fellow, University College London
- 1997 – 1999 Marie Curie Fellow, University of Cambridge
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Plagues, Pests, and Patents (with T. Swanson). Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 1(2-3), May-June 2003, 561-575. |
Cooperation in Public Good Games: Calculated or Confused? (with J. Lohse). European Economic Review 107 (August 2018), 185-203. |
Group Size Effect and the (In)Efficiency of Pure Public Goods Provision (with J. Diederich and I. Waichman). European Economic Review 85 (June 2016), 272-287. |
The Intergenerational Transfer of Solar Radiation Management Technologies and Atmospheric Carbon Stocks (with D. Heyen and J. Moreno-Cruz). Environmental and Resource Economics 56(1), September 2013, 85-104. |
Voluntary Action for Climate Change Mitigation Does Not Exhibit Locational Preferences (with J. Diederich). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 90 (July 2018), 175-180. |
Optimal Conservation, Extinction Debt, and the Augmented Quasi-Option Value (with A. Leroux and V. Martin). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58(1), July 2009, 43-57. |
Innovation Without Magic Bullets: Stock Pollution and R&D Sequences (with G. Perino). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(2), Sept. 2007, 146-161. |
To Mitigate or Not To Mitigate: The Price Elasticity of Pro-Environmental Behavior (with J. Diederich). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 84, (July 2017), 209-222. |
Trust, But Verify? When Trustworthiness Is Only Observable Through (Costly) Monitoring (with J. Jarke). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 142 (October 2017), 320-330. |
The Climate Policy Hold-Up: Green Technologies, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Abatement Incentives of International Agreements" (with G. Perino). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119(3) (July 2017), 709–732. |
Prof. Dr. Timo goeschl
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenscaften
Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
E-Mail: goeschl@uni-heidelberg.de