Marsilius kontrovers Hope for climate protection? Emotion or information as the key to transformation

Climate change is progressing at an enormous pace, and the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Agreement seems increasingly out of reach. The central challenge at the World Climate Conference in Dubai is how to move climate action forward quickly and effectively. How can we bring about the necessary changes at all levels of society? Do we need more and better information, or should we focus on appealing to emotions? In this event, Jale Tosun (Political Science), Timo Goeschl (Environmental Economics) and Jan Rummel (Psychology) will discuss which strategy promises to be more successful.
Wednesday, 20. December 2023, 19.00 Uhr, Marsilius-Kolleg, Lecture hall, Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1, 69120 Heidelberg 


  • Prof. Dr. Timo Goeschl, Environmental Economics 
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Rummel, Psychology
  • Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun, Political Science 
  • Moderation: Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel und Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros (Directors of Marsilius-Kolleg)

In cooperation with Heidelberg Center for the Environment”(HCE) 

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