
Head of Department
Karin Leyer
Tel.: +49 6221 54-3135

Deputy Head of Department
Katrin Kiermeier
Tel.: +49 6221 54-12519

Tel. +49 6221 54-12511

Mailing address
Postfach 105 760
69047 Heidelberg

Street address
Seminarstraße 2
69117 Heidelberg

Map (Ger)

HR Division Team

HR Division Homepage


Standard Jobdescriptions Representations

With immediate effect, our "Job Evaluations" section provides standard job descriptions for certain salary groups in order to make job descriptions easier for institutions. You can find more information here: job descriptions


Fake job posting ESF/EFL teacher

We are currently receiving applications for a supposed job advertisement as an ESF/EFL (English as a second / foreign language) teacher. Please note that no personalized headhunting is currently taking place at Heidelberg University in this area. Job scamming is supected. The email address "jobs(at)" is not managed by Heidelberg University and is unknown here. We highly recommend not to respond to such emails. Furthermore, we strongly advise not to arrange any job interviews or to sign any documents sent from this address. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Work accidents

From August 8th, 2022, all accident welfare benefits of the Baden-Württemberg state civil servant pension law will be carried out by the Baden-Württemberg State Office for Salaries and Pensions (LBV). With the exception of property damage. More information and forms here.


Holiday leave from the previous year (remaining leave)

The leave from the year 2022 (so-called remaining leave) must be taken in full by September 30, 2023 at the latest. If you have any questions about special cases (illness, parental leave, employment bans, ...) the responsible HR officials will be happy to help.


Salary adjustment 2022:

Detailed information on the adjustment of service and pension payments in Baden-Württemberg can be found in the decree of the MWK.


Department 5.1: HR Services for Civil Servants, Personnel Budget, Academic Assistants, Appointments, Travel Costs, HR Services for Civil Servants, Personnel Budget, Academic Assistants, Appointments, Travel Costs, Guest Lectures, Teaching Assign­ments, Special and Related IssuesTeaching Assign­ments, Special and Related Issues

Duties and Responsibilities

At a glance:

  • Personnel budget and post administration and budget
  • Personnel administration for civil servants
  • Personnel administration for stand-in professorships
  • Personnel administration for visiting professors
  • Appointments
  • Personnel administration for academic assistants
  • Teaching assignment contracts and payables processing
  • Business travel, travel cost calculations
  • Relocation costs and separation allowance
  • Administrative processing of honorary, adjunct, and assistant professorships
  • Honorary doctorates, senators, and citizens
  • Application for job ticket


Responsibility Contact

Head of Department
Personnel budget and post administration and budget,
civil servant affairs

Karin Leyer

Personnel administration for civil servants; stand-in, honorary, adjunct, and assistant professorships; honorary doctorates, senators, and citizens

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Andrea Klugmann
Alice Lies

Iris Wick

Visiting Professorships Sandra Ott
Appointment Procedures  

Appointment procedures
Functional description of professorships, opening of professorships, calls for proposals, submission to boards, obtaining consent from ministry

Karin Leyer



Academic Assistants

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Nicole Gutperle
Alexandra Hasen­bein-Müller
Michaela Notheis

Teaching Assignments

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Contacts (Ger) are assigned according to faculty or institution.

Andrea Klugmann
Business Travel

Oxana Gansjuk
Verena Lukan 
Antje Doikas

Relocation Costs and Separation Allowance
Antje Doikas

Job Ticket (Applications)

More information on job tickets (Ger) can be found here.

Secretariat Dept. 5.1 and 5.2


Secretariat of the Department Head

Management of the department office (correspondence, appointment coordination of the department head)

Secretariat Dept. 5.1 and 5.2


Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2024-09-20
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