
Senate hall
The Senate Hall in the Old University

The responsibilities of the Senate are laid down in the University Law of the State of Baden Württemberg (LHG): “The Senate shall take decisions in matters concerning research, the practice of the arts, artistic development schemes, teaching, courses of study and further education, provided these matters have not been assigned to another central body or to the faculties.” (§19 LHG)

The Senate therefore plays an essential role in the strategic orientation of the university in research, courses of study and teaching; it also adopts positions inter alia on structural and planning issues. Furthermore, the members of the Senate shape the development of Heidelberg University through participation in consultative and decision-making committees.

The Senate has a total of 19 ex officio members: the President and the four Vice-Presidents, the Vice-President Finance and Personnel, the Deans of all twelve faculties and the Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the University. In addition, there are 20 elected members. The Senate has two spokespersons, who represent it in, or vis-à-vis, the governing bodies and committees of the University in matters requiring participation by members of the Senate. Professors, other academic staff and employees in the administration and technical services elect their representatives to the Senate every four years, whereas the student members are elected annually.


Senate members (PDF) (Ger)

Senate minutes (access only via university network)


Senate calendar 2017 (PDF)

Senate calendar 2018 (PDF)

Senate calendar 2019 (PDF)

Senate calendar 2020 (PDF)

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Latest Revision: 2019-06-05
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