Information Service


The Electronic Research Funding Information Service keeps you up to date on current proposals, international, European, and national research funding programmes, and relevant research topics. [More...]

Research Magazine

Ruca CoverThe “Ruperto Carola” research magazine reports on scientific findings and current research projects at Heidel­berg University. Every issue is dedicated to a socially relevant topic. [More...] (Ger)

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Research profile

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Heidelberg University defines itself as a research university with a strong focus on research-oriented teaching. Its self-appointed task is to investigate the major issues facing mankind through interdisciplinary cooperation.

Young researchers

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With independent junior research groups and structured PhD programmes, the University is breaking new ground in providing research-oriented teaching and early research experience for young scientists.

Research institutions


Heidelberg University's current success in the Excellence Initiative and in internationally recognised rankings attest to the University's excellent scientific reputation.

Research Support

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The University informs scientists about support programmes, offers advice regarding application procedures and the legal issues of research funding, and supports researchers in the administration of their projects.

Knowledge transfer

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Heidelberg University aims at making scientific findings available to the whole of society. To this end, the university promotes the continuous exchange of knowledge with businesses, industry, local authorities and associations.


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Latest Revision: 2019-06-05
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