Research Council

The Research Council will serve in an advisory capacity in integrating new instruments for networking interdisciplinary research as well as advancing junior researchers and adjusting them to the various disciplinary cultures.

Research Council: Field of Focus 1


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Heidelberg University Gender & Diversity summer term program 2019 online!

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Fields of Focus
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Field of Focus 1: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Life

[zentrale_Seiten] Fotolia DNA 460X175

The molecular life sciences in Heidelberg represent a research focus of the University that enjoys particularly high national and international visibility. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms of physiological and pathological functions within cells and organisms, the researchers are closely networked with their non-University partners. The network of the Field of Focus 1 ensures the open scientific flow of information. The University's ties to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research have created a unique research site for molecular and cell biology that is one of its kind in Europe.


In this context, research conducted at the Faculty of Biosciences focuses on different fields of interest within molecular and cell biology. Many Heidelberg scientists concentrate on issues concerning the development of organs and organisms, the identification of stem cells in plants and animals, the biochemical processes within cells, the production and degradation of proteins as well as transport processes. The analysis includes morphological, molecular, quantitative and structural biology methods on the highest technical level. The Medical Faculties in Heidelberg and Mannheim primarily concentrate on infection research concerning diseases like Aids, Hepatitis and Malaria, cardiovascular diseases, cancer research, transplantation therapy and immunotherapy, as well as medical technology and neuroscience. The DKFZ is world-renowned for its cancer research, the EMBL represents the European Center for Molecular Biology and the MPI researches fundamental biological issues that are of medical importance on a long-term basis. The MPIĀ“s focus is on neurophysiology. [More...]



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Latest Revision: 2019-05-07
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