Field of Focus 4: Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Organisations
People can regulate their thoughts and feelings to enable them to adapt flexibly to changing environmental conditions. Besides self-regulation processes within and among individuals, such processes are of interest within and among communities. These may be families, organisations, companies, political parties or nation states.
The central concern of Field of Focus 4 (FoF4) is to better understand human (self-)regulation processes at the level of individuals and organisations in interdisciplinary dialogue. The main participants in this study are from the subject areas represented by the Faculty for Behavioural and Cultural Studies, the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and the Law Faculty.
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EVENT | WINTER 2018/19 "Familie und gesellschaftliche Umbrüche" Our fivth Public Lecture will start October 18, 2018. Further information here... |
MEDIA | AUGUST 2018 Heisenberg Professorship for Jan Rummel |
EVENT | WINTER 2017/18 "Mental Health - Stark in der Krise" Further information concerning the fourth Public Lecture during winter term 2017/18... |
MEDIA | JULY 2017 Hengstberger Preis 2017 for PD Dr. Jan Rummel PD Dr. Jan Rummel, Junior Research Group Leader at FoF4, gains one of the Hengstberger Preise 2017 with regard to the organization of the international symposium "Gedächtnis für Intentionen" (July 2-3, 2018, IWH Heidelberg). |
PUBLIcATION | SUMMER 2017 Journal of Self-Regulation and Regulation: |
PUBLICATION | SUMMER 2017 "Zivilgesellschaft und elektoraler Autoritarismus in Südostasien" New publication presenting the research results by Stefan Giersdorf out of the FoF4-funded project "Selbst-Regulation im Kontext elektoral-autoritärer Herrschaft". |
EVENT | SEPTEMBER 2017 Workshop "Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies" This autumn Field of Focus 4 will fund a workshop concerning the topic "Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies". |
EVENT | MAY 2017 Workshop "Governing India" Field of Focus 4 funds a workshop concerning the topic "Governing India". |
PUBLICATION | SPRING 2017 "Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Europe" New book at Springer publishing house, with contributions by Wolf J. Schünemann, Verena Weiland and Stefan Steiger. |
EVENT | APRIL 2017 Workshop "Health Economics and Health Policy" Field of Focus 4 funds a workshop concenring the topic "Health Economics and Health Policy". |
PUBLICATION | SPRING 2017 "Das grün-rote Experiment in Baden-Württemberg" New book at Springer publishing house, with contributions by Felix Hörisch, Stefan Wurster and Jale Tosun. |
MEDIA | DECEMBER 2016 Broadcast lecture "Innere Stärke - Wie funktioniert Selbstregulation?" |
EVENT | WINTER 2016/17 "The End of Globalization?Understanding Challenges to International Cooperation" Further information concerning the third Public Lecture during winter term 2016/17... |
PUBLICATION | AUTUMN 2016 Journal of Self-Regulation and Regulation: "New Approaches to the Study of Early Self-regulation Development" Volume 2 of our Journal with insights in current research projects funded by Field of Focus 4 ... |
EVENT | WINTER 2015/16 "Tauschen, Teilen, Tricksen. Andere Formen des Wirtschaftens" Further information concerning the second Public Lecture during winter term 2015/16... |
PUBLICATION | SPRING 2015 Journal of Self-Regulation and Regulation: "Wer regiert das Internet? Regulierungsstrukturen und -prozesse im virtuellen Raum" Volume 1 of our Journal which recapitulates the first Public Lecture... |
EVENT | WINTER 2014/15 "Wer regiert das Internet?" Further information concerning the first Public Lecture during winter term 2014/15...
EVENT | SEPTEMBER 2014 Workshop "South-South Develeopment Cooperation: Chances and Challenges for the International Aid Architecture" Field of Focus 4 funds a workshop concerning the topic: "South-South Develeopment Cooperation: Chances and Challenges for the International Aid Architecture". |