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Mo. bis Do. 11-13 Uhr
Vom 12. bis 14. März bleibt das Geschäftszimmer wegen Urlaub geschlossen

Student Council

A student council is a student association at a university that represents the interests of its fellow students. Since the so-called "verfasste Studierendenschaft" (students' representative council), as the Fachschaft was also called, has been abolished in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria since the 1970s, all students of a seminar or an institute are often said to be a part of a “Fachschaft” in these two federal states.

The Department of Romance Studies Student Council was founded more than 25 years ago by the Department of Romance Studies in Heidelberg, but under the name "Romanisches Seminar Institutsgruppe". The Council was created with the intention to better focus on the students’ interests. Today, the name still stems from this moment (ROSIG), but it has evolved overtime. Over the past 25 years, great achievements, along with some failures, have been made by the members for their fellow students. All the while, a positive spirit has been maintained through the various social engagements!

The Student Council is currently involved in all areas of the university’s adacemic administration, as we have a direct connection to the faculty council through elected representatives and we make up a large portion of the tuition commission.

Other than educational activities, we always try to stay current and provide fresh information, which is not always easy, especially in changing times.

Without ending the fun too soon, the Departmental Student Council organizes orientation days, introductory preparatory courses, etc., as well as a variety of annual celebrations and excursions.


Check out the Departmental Student Committee's Website: or the Instagram profile: 

Contact by e-mail:


Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-12-05
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