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Programme Structures (Overview of Modules)

Important Notice: These module overviews are to be used as an initial reference point. When planning your timetable, please consult the detailed outline of your program found in the official Module Handbook. This document can be accessed through the link. Only here will you find a comprehensive description of the modules.


The Polyvalent Bachelor of Arts (Copy of Exam Regulations 2022/2)

Information: The 10 additional ECTS credits in the 50% degree program are only mandatory if the student is not taking the Teacher Education option.

The Polyvalent Bachelor of Arts (Copy of Exam Regulations 2016/2)

Information: The 10 additional ECTS credits in the 50% degree program are only mandatory if the student is not taking the Teacher Education option.

Bachelor of Arts (until the 2015 Summer Semester)

High School Teaching Discipline 2015 (GymPo) (following the framework outlined by the official transitional regulations for a B.A. in Teacher Education)

High School Teacher Education 2009


Master of Education (from 2018/2019 Winter Semester)

Master Programs in Contact Studies: French, Italian and Spanish (from the 2016/2017 Winter Semester)

    Transcultural Studies. Literature and Language Contact in the Francophone Sphere:
    consult the Exam Regulations

    Italian in Contact – Literature, Art, Languages, Culture:
    see PDF file or consult the Exam Regulations

    Ibero-American Studies: Contact – Theories and Methods:
    consult the Exam Regulations

Master of Romance Philology (until Summer Semester 2016)

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2025-01-02
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