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Master of Arts


Ma Kontakt


General Overview

Here is the student guide for international graduate students.

Examination regulations (General Section) for the Master of Modern Languages and Literature at the Faculty of Modern Languages (in German)


Master’s Degree Programmes in Contact Studies: French/Spanish/Italian


The three Master’s degree programmes share the following features:

(for further details, click on the desired sub-heading)

• Specialization in Contact Studies

• Interdisciplinary Studies

• Second Romance Language

• Access to Research

• Vocational Opportunities and Guidance


Formal Technicalities:
• Start of Master Studies: Winter semester (recommended), summer semester
• Type of Studies: Full-time or part-time
• Duration of study programme: 4 semesters (as a full-time student)
• Number of Credits to be Completed: 120 (84 ECTS for coursework and exams, 6 ECTS for the final oral examination and 30 ECTS points for the Master’s thesis). A minor subject comprises of 20 ECTS.

Important Note: The three streams of study offer the option to select a major subject without a minor subject, or a minor subject can be studied in conjunction with a major subject. However, since the three Master’s degree programmes in Contact Studies already require the full number of credit points (120 ECTS), no minor subject can be added.

Application and enrolment:
  • General information regarding application and enrolment modalities for M.A. programmes with restricted access at Heidelberg University
  • Step-by-step instructions for applying to one of the three M.A. programmes offered by the Department of Romance Studies
  • Specific entry requirements: see individual degree programmes below 

Online Application for prospective students (Detailed description)

Note: Enrolment is possible according to the current admission and enrolment regulations for the Master's degree programme. This is contingent upon the admission requirements and the general enrolment requirements being met.
Deadlines: September 30 (for the winter term), March 31 (for the summer term)

In your own interest, we strongly recommend that you apply by 30 April at the latest (for the winter semester) or by 31 October (for the summer semester) with all required documents so that a timely and orderly start of studies can be guaranteed.


Important note for Cultural Studies: As of now, main seminars in Cultural Studies can be credited towards linguistic or literature main seminars, provided that suitable courses in cultural studies are offered during the respective semester. Students are not entitled to this offer, but they may receive permission to do so upon request.



Études transculturelles. Littératures et contacts linguistiques dans l’espace francophone
Transkulturelle Studien.
Literaturen und Sprachkontakte im frankophonen Raum

Transcultural Studies. Literature and Language Contact in the Francophone Area

(including an optional Double Degree with the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3: HeiMont-Transculturality. Transcultural Studies in the Francophone Area)

[Click here to show or hide further information]


Estudios iberoamericanos. Teoría y metodología del contacto
Iberoamerikanische Studien. Kontakt – Theorien und Methoden
Ibero-American Studies. Contact – Theories and Methods

(including an optional Double Degree Heidelberg - Santiago de Chile from october 2024)

[Click here to show or hide further information]



L'Italia a contatto – lingue, letterature, arti
Italien im Kontakt – Literatur, Künste, Sprachen, Kulturen
Italy in Contact - Literatures, Arts, Languages, Cultures

[Click here to show or hide further information]

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-10-21
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