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International and Domestic Academic Recognitions


Handout on the recognition of credits and grades (incl. grade conversion table).


Specific and additional guidelines concerning Spanish subjects:

We are delighted that you have decided to study a semester abroad and we are here to support you and try our best to validate all of the courses that you have taken during your time at the host university. However, in order to transfer all of your credits, you should keep in mind the following facts when attending cultural, linguistic or literature seminars.

LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION (SPANISH): These seminars or lectures must be held fully in Spanish.

SCIENTIFIC PRETENSION: The reading list and workload should be suited to an appropriate university level and the overall approach should be have scholarly pretensions.

WRITTEN PREREQUISITES in for preparatory seminars/main seminars: To validate a preparatory seminar (Proseminar) or a main seminar (Hauptseminar), the student must accomplish written assignments. If a student wants to transfer credits for a preparatory seminar, the final paper must be between 8 and 12 pages long (not including the title page, the table of contents or the bibliography). However, if a student wants to transfer credits for a main seminar, the final paper must be between between 15 and 20 pages long. In a situation where the host university does not accept such writing submissions, the student requires an official, explicatory note from the professor in charge. The course should nonetheless demonstrate proof of essay submissions, academic reviews or other written tasks.

LANGUAGE PRACTICE COURSES: Only courses with a B2 level or higher will be recognized. Therefore, the level must abide to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in order for the course or the language program’s certificate or credits to be validated.

GRADES: All courses must be graded. A participation certificate is insufficient.

DESCRIPTION: Students must provide a detailed description of the respective course. It must outline the course's theme, its central questions, its goals, the methodology and a bibliography, which compose the course’s framework.

Best of luck abroad and safe travels home!


List of Contacts Responsible for Course Recognition


 Recognition of Credits *

Responsible Contact:




Dr. Béreiziat



Conversion table of Italian grades

Di Taranto





Dr. Constantinescu













 Students coming from universities abroad or overseas: Dr. Saban

Please bring the following with you:
- Transcripts of records

- Description of the program and of the attended lectures or seminars

- Plenty of time! The process takes approximately 2 weeks.

Recognition of credits from Spain or from Latin America for ERASMUS students:

information regarding the validation procedure

procedure of the first learning agreement


Students coming from universities in Germany: Dr. Schmitz


Only for the La Plata project (in Argentina or in Uruguay): Coseano

* To obtain official recognition for credits received from universities abroad as main seminars, please contact the professor responsible for this field of study.
Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2025-01-27
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