Download Centre
The download centre has available all the applications, forms and fact sheets on the major administrative procedures related to study at the university. It also has various statutes, examination and study regulations.
Click on the category for a list of individual documents.
Forms and fact sheets
- Admission, Subsequent filing of missing documents: Form
- Alumni: Heidelberg Alumni Initiative Registration Form
- Application for second degree: Fact sheet
- Auditors: Information sheet
- Certificates: Application for additional certificates (10,00 Euro)
- Certificates: Application for additional certificates (5,00 Euro)
- Change of address: Form
- Change of degree programme: Application and fact sheet
- Change of Subject: Certificate of subject-specific counselling
- Credit for periods of study: Certificate
- Degree examination: Admission to degree examination
- Doctoral candidates: Acceptance as doctoral candidate
- Enrolment: Enrolment fact sheet
- Enrolment: Fact sheet for new matriculates
- Exchange of study place: Application for exchange of study place
- Exmatriculation: Application for exmatriculation
- Health insurance: Fact sheet
- Leave of absence: Form and fact sheet
- Lottery (Losverfahren): Lottery application
- Minors: Parental permission to enrol minor student
- Part-time study: Application
- Preparatory course assessment test: Application
- Professionals without certificate of qualification for higher education: Fact sheet and Form
- Proxy: Assignment of proxy
- Registration: Fact sheet for new matriculates
- Special applications for the first subject-related semester: Fact sheet
- Student service contribution: Request for reimbursement
- StudentID: Application for duplicate (10 euros)
- Transcript: Fact sheet and form
Forms and fact sheets for master’s degree programmes
- Confirmation of the completion of a B.A. degree programme: Confirmation form
- Completion of entrance requirements: Completion form
- Enrolment in a higher semester: Classification form
- Master’s minor subjects: Overview
- Master’s minor subjects registration: Registration form
- Master of Education: Fact Sheet Application Documents
- Master of Education: List of courses that are still due upon completion of the undergraduate degree: Template
- Master of Education: Completion of entrance requirements: Completion form
International students: Information, forms and
fact sheets
International students can find additional forms and fact sheets on studying at Heidelberg University here.
Informational brochures
- Course catalogue: Undergraduate Programmes (German version)
- Course catalogue: Graduate Programmes (German version)
- Information for the application for Dentistry, Medicine and Pharmacy: EU nationals (German Version)
- Information for the application for Dentistry, Medicine and Pharmacy: Non-EU nationals (German Version)
- Information for your studies in Heidelberg (German version)
- Information for international student applicants (German version)
Forms and fact sheets
- Application for admission: consecutive master’s programmes (German/English)
- Application for admission: Doctorate (German/English)
- Application for admission: further education master’s programmes (German/English)
- Application for admission: undergraduate programmes (German version)
- Assignment of proxy (Bevollmächtigung) (only German)
- Change of major/minor: Application (German version)
- Confirmation of application (German version)
- Exmatriculation: Application (German version)
- Financial statement (German/English)
- Immatriculation
- Information on the standard of an official authentication and a „sworn translation“ (German Version)
- Information Studienkolleg (German version)
- Leave of absence: Application (German version)
- Recognition of study periods: Application (only German)
- Scholarship information (German version)
- Status Report on Student Progress for the Local Immigration Office
(“Studienstandsbescheinigung”) – bachelor’s / master’s programmes (German Version) - Status report of student’s progress: Information provided by the student (German Version)
- Student service contribution (Studentenwerksbeitrag): Application for reimbursement (only German)
- Tuition fees: Application for exemption from tuition fees in accordance with the Heidelberg University charter
- Tuition fees: Application for exemption from tuition fees (other reasons)
General legal bases
- Auditing fees (GgebS)
- Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act (1 January 2005) and Amendment dated 1 December 2005
- Higher Education Admission for Persons with Professional Qualifications
- Matriculation rules and regulations
- Regulations defining persons who in the public interest should be considered or assisted as applicants to locally admission-restricted programmes of study
- Rules on fees for language courses at the Department of Classical Philology in preparation for the Latin and Greek language certificates
- State Higher Education Fees Act (LHGebH dated 1 January 2005, PDF of page 56 of Act) and Amendment dated 10 December 2005
- Student services fees (incl. reimbursement of semester fee)
- Regulations for occupational qualification aptitude test
- Fees for occupational qualification aptitude test
- Fees for Geman Language qualification aptitude test (DSH)
Examination and programme rules and regulations
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Law
- Medical Faculty Heidelberg
- Medical Faculty Mannheim
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Modern Languages
- Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
- Faculty of Biosciences
- Heidelberg College for Jewish Studies
- Across faculties: Programme and examination rules and regulations of Heidelberg University for the degree programme for teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium) - general section (dated 29 April 2010)
- Across faculties: Examination rules and regulations for degree programme for advanced teaching at secondary schools (Gymnasium)
- Across faculties: Examinations rules and regulations for master’s programmes – general section
- Across faculties: Intermediate examination regulations in teaching programmes, master’s programmes and basic doctoral programmes – general section
- Interdisciplinary postgraduate computer science programme: Examination and programme rules and regulations
- Interdisciplinary postgraduate environmental sciences programme: Examination and programme rules and regulations
Regulations for internal selection procedure and
- American Studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Applied Computer Science (Bachelor): Regulations
- Assyriology (Bachelor): Regulations
- Biochemistry (Bachelor): Regulations
- Biology (teaching programme): Regulations, amendement
- Biosciences (Bachelor): Regulations, amendment
- Comparative German studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Classical and Modern Literature (Master): Regulations
- Cultural and religious history of South Asia (Bachelor): Regulations
- Dentistry (state examinations): Regulations
- East European and East-Central European studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Economics (Political Economics) (Bachelor): Regulations
- Education Studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Education studies (teaching programme): Regulations
- Egyptology (Bachelor): Regulations
- Ethnology (Magister): Regulations
- Ethnology (Bachelor): Regulations
- Geography (Bachelor): Regulations
- German as a foreign language (Bachelor): see Comparative German studies
- History (teaching programme): Regulations
- History, medieval and modern (Bachelor): Regulations, amendment
- History (Bachelor): Regulations (25%)
- Interprofessional Healthcare (Bachelor): Regulations
- Islamic Studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Law (State examinations): Regulations
- Mathematics (Bachelor): Regulations
- Mathematics (teaching programme): Regulations
- Mathematics with emphasis on scientific computing (diploma): Regulations
- Medical informatics (Bachelor): Regulations
- Medicine, Heidelberg, Medicine, Mannheim (state examinations): Regulations, Regulations on test fees for medical study programmes
- Methodology of geography (Bachelor): Regulations
- Modern South Asian languages and literature (Bachelor): Regulations
- Molecular biotechnology (Bachelor): Regulations
- Pharmacy (state examinations): Regulations
- Philosophy/Ethics (Bachelor): Regulations, amandement
- Philosophy/Ethics (teaching programme): Regulations
- Political science (teaching programme): Regulations
- Political science (Bachelor): Regulations
- Psychology (Bachelor, teaching programme): Regulations
- Public law (Bachelor): Regulations
- Semitic studies (Bachelor): Regulations
- Sociology (Bachelor): Regulations
- Sports and sports sciences with a focus on prevention and rehabilitation (Bachelor): Regulations
- Sports and sports sciences and Sports and sports sciences with a focus on prevention and rehabilitation (Bachelor): Admission regulations; Regulations on the sports entrance examination (Sporteingangsprüfung)
- Translation: English (Bachelor): Regulations
- Translation Studies for Information Technologies (Bachelor): Regulations
Selection regulations for higher subject-related semester
Regulations for internal entrance examination procedure
(formerly aptitude assessment procedure)
- Applied Computer Science(Bachelor): Satzung
- Chemistry (Bachelor): Regulations
- Chemistry (teaching programme): Regulations
- Chinese (teaching programme, minor): Regulations
- Earth sciences (Bachelor): Regulations
- English philology (Bachelor (all degrees), teaching programme): Regulations
- Physics (Bachelor, teaching programme): Regulations
- Roman Philology: French, Italian, Spanish (Bachelor): Regulations
Regulations for admission to
postgraduate master’s degree programmes
- Advanced Physical Methods in Radiotherapy (continuing education): Regulations
- American Studies (continuing education): Regulations
- Ancient History (consecutive): Regulations
- Applied computer science (consecutive): Regulations
- Art history and museology, international master’s degree programme (consecutive): Regulations
- Assyriology (consecutive): Regulations
- Biochemistry (consecutive): Regulations
- Biomedical Engineering (consecutive): Regulations
- Byzantine archaeology and art history (consecutive): Regulations
- Chemistry (consecutive): Regulations
- Christianity and culture (consecutive): Regulations
- Classical and modern literature (consecutive): Regulations
- Classical Archaeology (consecutive): Regulations
- Classical philology: ancient Greek (consecutive): Regulations
- Classical philology: Latin (consecutive): Regulations
- Clinical Medical Physics (continuing education): Regulations
- Communication, literature and media in modern South Asian languages (consecutive): Regulations
- Comparative German studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Computational linguistics (consecutive): Regulations
- Computer engineering (consecutive): Regulations
- Conference interpretation and translation (consecutive): Regulations
- Cultural and religious history of South Asia (consecutive): Regulations
- Diaconia – leadership in Christian social practice (continuing education): Regulations
- Diaconal studies (continuing education): Regulations
- Earth sciences (consecutive): Regulations
- East Asian Art History (consecutive): Regulations
- Economics (consecutive): Regulations
- Editorial theory and textual criticism: Regulations
- Education studies with a focus on organisational development (consecutive): Regulations
- Egyptology (consecutive): Regulations
- English Studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Estudios iberoamericanos. Teoría y metodología del contacto (Master): Regulations
- Ethnology (consecutive): Regulations
- European art history (consecutive): Regulations
- Geoarchaeology (consecutive): Regulations
- Geography (consecutive): Regulations
- German as a foreign language/comparative German studies (consecutive): Regulations
- German as a second language (consecutive): Regulations
- German-French master’s degree in history (consecutive): Regulations
- German studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Global History (consecutive): Regulations
- Governance of Risk and Resources (continuing education): Regulations
- Health and Society in South Asia (consecutive): Regulations
- Health Economics (continuing education): Regulations
- History (consecutive): Regulations
- International Health (continuing education): Regulations
- International Law (consecutive): Regulations
- International master’s degree in art history and museology (consecutive): Regulations
- Japanese Studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Law (Magister Legum, LL.M.): Regulations
- Legum Magister in corporate restructuring (non-consecutive): Regulations
- L'Italia a contatto – lingue, letterature, arti (Master): Regulations
- Littératures et contacts linguistiques dans l’espace francophone (Master): Regulations
- Management, Ethics and Innovation in the Non-profit Sector – Diaconal Leadership and Governance (continuing education): Regulations
- Management in welfare organisations (continuing education): Regulations
- Mathematics (consecutive): Regulations
- Matter to Life (consecutive): Regulations
- Medical Biometry/Biostatistics (continuing education): Regulations
- Medical Education (non-consecutive): Regulations
- Medical informatics (consecutive): Regulations
- Medieval studies (consecutive): Regulations, Application
- Molecular Biosciences (consecutive): Regulations
- Molecular biotechnology (consecutive): Regulations
- Music (consecutive): Regulations
- Near and Middle Eastern studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Near Eastern Archaeology (consecutive): Regulations
- Non Profit Mangement und Governance (continuing education): Regulations
- Philosophy (consecutive): Regulations
- Physics (consecutive): Regulations
- Political science (consecutive): Regulations
- Pre- and protohistory (consecutive): Regulations
- Protestant Theology (continuing education): Regulations
- Psychology (consecutive): Regulations
- Religious studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Romance philology: French, Italian, Spanish (consecutive): Regulations
- Scientific Computing (consecutive): Regulations
- Semitic studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Chinese Studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Slavic and East European Studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Sociology (consecutive): Regulations
- Sports and Exercise in Childhood and Adolescence (consecutive): Regulations
- South Asian studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Theological Research (non-consecutive): Regulations
- Transcultural Studies (consecutive): Regulations
- Translational Medical Research (consecutive): Regulations
- Translation (consecutive): Regulations
Fee regulations for postgraduate master's degree
- Advanced Physical Methods in Radiotherapy
- Advanced Physical Methods in Radiotherapy: Amendment dated 1 August 2011
- American Studies
- Clinical Medical Physics
- Conference interpretation and translation
- Corporate restructuring, Legum Magister
- Diaconia – leadership in Christian social practice
- Diaconal studies
- Postgraduate diaconal studies
- Postgraduate study in gerontology
- Governance of Risk and Resources
- Health Economics
- International Health:
Fee regulations for newly matriculated students starting in 2011/12 WS
Fee regulations for students before 2011/12 WS - International Law, Legum Magister
- Law, Legum Magister
- Management, Ethics and Innovation in the Non-profit Sector – Diaconal Leadership and Governance
- Management in welfare organisations
- Medical Biometry / Biostatistics
- Medical Education
- Non Profit Management und Governance
- Professional and organisational consulting
- Protestant Theology
Latest Revision: